The departure Sunday at 2 pm from the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe will be comfortable for the 123 competitors with a nice breeze, and some gusts at 20/25 knots, before meeting a sea crossing the evening at the entrance of Manche. Then it will be complicated ...

Weather Consult warns the skippers of the Route du Rhum: a strong gale 35 to 40 knots (a knot equals 1,852 km / h), will occur Tuesday with gusts up to 55 knots. And it will not drag around Cape Finistèrre in a radius of 300 miles (555 km).

The slower boats, including the Class40s, will inevitably suffer the blow of tobacco, except to shelter Tuesday. | West France

The race director knows that the slowest boats will have no solution to escape. "As a good sailor, you will not have to hesitate to stop or take shelter," he told the less fortunate skippers, who will be able to make a stopover without penalty within a radius of 150 miles. La Rochelle). This especially as the sea will be very big Wednesday, with 5 to 6 m, even 7 to 8 meters further offshore. The rum will therefore very quickly enter the hard!