The appalling weather forecast for Tuesday, with strong winds and waves of 8 m in the northern Bay of Biscay, frighten a good majority of skippers of the Class40, not least. An initiative of a part of them was launched with the race director to imagine a neutralization of the race in a port of Brittany, Monday night.

What will happen to the Class 40s, these 12m boats, which with 53 competitors is the most numerous category? Slower than the Ultims, the Imoca and the Multi 50, they are the most exposed to the risks of strong gales expected at the beginning of the week.

The appalling weather forecast for Tuesday, with strong winds and waves of 8 m in the Bay of Biscay, scare a good majority of skippers of the Class40, not least. An initiative of a part of them was launched with the race director to imagine a neutralization of the race in a port of Brittany, Monday night.

"One could imagine that spontaneously, the riders all decide to stop at Brest, wait two days for the big depression to pass, and then race again once most of the storm has passed." said one of them.

"It is clear that the conditions are such that there is a risk of breakage, it would be silly that the class 40 sank decimated after two days, another explains , even a guy like Halvard Mabire who has tours around the world. on the meter and dozens of transatlantic, recognizes that he has never sailed in 40 knots of wind and waves of 8 m with such a boat. "

Tonight, the spontaneous initiative was hoping to structure itself. A contact with the race director, Jacques Caraes, was seriously considered.