The conference of the General Secretariat for the role and advisory bodies in the world was held from October 16-18, entitled "Renewing the Fatwa Between Theory and Practice", with the participation of delegations from more than 73 countries from different continents of the world.

The choice of this title was successful, because at a time other than the time of our devout predecessors and preachers, who stated that the fatwa must be changed - no In addition to the provisions of the acts that are imprecise, the issues of personal status and the inheritance in which there are explicit texts that are not subject to ijtihad or analogy, and some provisions of transactions whose detailed provisions have been proven in the texts of Consciousness, as a sale and the prohibition of usury and some Madaanat issues .. and left the door of ijtihad open to all contemporary issues that may not have previous examples, even measured by them, does not leave a statement in which the rule of God?

It is not permissible for the people to come down, I said, or they are not, except that Allaah has a ruling on them, which may be prescribed or derived. Allaah has mandated the statement of the shar'i rulings of the people of the masculine. The reference to the individual, or the total of them, but refer to the atheists, that is where the fatwas settled in which the total diligence in the jurisprudence and specialized scientific conferences, where the mature jurisprudential opinion is aware of the situation and the fate.

And unless the collective opinion is to be put forward again and again until the maturity of his vision, and the download of the legitimacy of him, and this diligence, which the Conference devoted to the basis of his lectures and discussions useful, medical issues, family, financial and human rights and public affairs and the State, Issues raised and expected.

This great and useful effort deserves help and praise, because the great problem we are living today is a fatwa issue, where it is issued by media outlets and other non-specialists who are misguided and astray, and the public and private sedition in the name of religion. The reason for this is the absence of the effort of the fatwas. And those who thought that the current issues of the modern world are based on the fatwas and previous rulings, Not good And what is possible in a country without another, and what changed the custom of what has not changed, all of which must be present in the mind of those who want to issue fatwa, so as not to say God is without knowledge and Vinnal great sin, and people in their religion and their world.

The door of ijtihad in Islam is still and will continue to be legislated to deal with everything new that comes down in the field of work, and the specialists of scholars and scholars and those who need to portray matters from others - politicians, doctors, legalians, economists or like them - to portray vices and adapt them to their causes and people's need for them , And the extent of their impact positively or negatively, all of them must do their duty to the nation to show the statement you need, so that you are aware of the matter, and follow the right, and do not follow the owners of passions who lost and lost the way, and the media organizations to take into account the rights of listeners and viewers The readers, and the atmosphere Protect them and respect their minds so as not to repeat the tragedies, or the vacuum of knowledge of what remains to be taught is available for a Muslim.

The door of ijtihad in Islam is still and will be a law to deal with every new coming down in the field of work.

«Chief Inspector of the Department of Ifta in Dubai»

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