This Wednesday, senators voted in favor of the rapprochement between high court and district court. "I want justice that is simpler, more legible and more effective," said Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet.

Senators voted this Wednesday, during the review of the reform of justice, the administrative grouping between high court and local court wanted by the government.

"Simpler justice"

"I want justice that is simpler, more legible and more effective," said Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet. "I want to maintain all places of justice wherever they are today," she said in response to concerns raised by several senators.

Eliane Assasi (CRCE with a communist majority) denounced a "pecuniary and managerial logic" .

Against the advice of the government, the majority Senate on the right has introduced the name of "court of first instance" for this grouping.

"Create poles of technical competence"

The Senate also opposed the "specialization" that the government wants to introduce in departments with several high courts, "for technical disputes" .

"The idea is to create poles of technical competence" , "these are projects that will go up, nothing will be imposed by the central administration" , defended Ms. Belloubet in vain.

LR reporter François-Noël Buffet pointed out "a cumbersome procedure, with low efficiency gains" .

Senators have completed this Wednesday late afternoon the examination of the bill of "programming 2018-2022 and justice reform" .

The solemn vote of this text, as well as the vote of the organic bill on "the reinforcement of the organization of the jurisdictions" which accompanies it and which will be examined on Wednesday evening, will take place next Tuesday.

Then both parts will move to the Assembly at first reading in November.