What's new or what's new are the two most difficult questions I have to deal with. My answer is that I'm fine about the first version of the question, and nothing new about the second formula. When I decided to ask the same question to the people I met, I found that they responded with my own answer. Why? There are two explanations. First, we do not give the liquid news about us unless it is a major shift in our lives. The second, most likely in this age, is that we talk to each other through Watts AB. When we meet face to face, we do not find what we are talking about.

The application of Watts Ab is the most important thing we use in our lives, and most important of all other media media platforms. Do not say I missed something in the presence of Watts Ab. If you do not read the news, you will receive it against you in Watts Ab and through more than one group you are a member of. If you forget the days, Watts Ab will remind you of the blue sign above the start of your conversation that day, and by the end of the week your smartphone will explode with Hala Bakhmis dancer videos because we are people who like to celebrate the holidays and are waiting eagerly Thursday.

The "Hala Al Khamis" party lasts all day, and when you fall asleep, you wake up to the "Blessed Friday" messages sent to you by Hala Al Khamis celebrators themselves after they have finished their celebrations to enter the rituals of religiosity and recitation. What is interesting is that between the end of Hala celebrations and the beginning of the firing of artillery shells on Friday only six hours during which nothing can be done but sleep!

Watts Ab also has personal conversations among members of the group often, not very much because of the flow of videos from all parts of the earth, you will find a religious or political debate that is covered by stupid conspiracy theories, discussions about the Real and the Barça. You will find that those over 60 have abandoned their balance and received from him like you receive from a teenager! This has never happened in any previous period.

We all remember the situation in the nineties. For example, until the end of the last decade, we would not dare talk to the elderly, and think a thousand times before uttering a word to someone who is older or deeper in life for fear of reflecting our folly. But today, Watts Ab is the heart of all these principles and has re-formulated and shaped our lives with them.

The Watts Ab eliminates human boundaries. You talk to your brother at home or your friend who lives in your city, just as you do with a friend who lives in America!

Sitting with a friend in a cafe is not like sitting in a plane with you! The first is a short encounter, and the second is a relatively long meeting that is a prelude to your travel with him. In traveling, you are closely related to the stranger. "Watts Ab" affects us psychologically in the same way, all of us are bound by hypothetical, where there are no limits and where the distressed became Dania. When the boundaries between humans are removed, the characters unfold more and the masks fall partially or wholly.


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