RTL remains at the top of the radio audiences but France Inter is just behind. Europe 1, on the other hand, dropped by one point despite the arrival of the host Nikos Aligias at the controls of the morning.

RTL remained at the top of hearings radios in September, but finds himself backed by France Inter, while Europe 1 has suffered a new plummet, according to figures released Thursday by Médiamétrie.

On this wave measured in September and October, RTL sold 0.2 cumulative audience points compared to a year earlier, to 11.8%, ahead of France Inter (+ 0.4% point to 11.5%) and NRJ (-0.9 point to 9.8%). For its part, Europe 1 fell by one point to 6.2%, a new low for the Lagardère group's general station outside the summer period.

These figures were the first test for the grid of Europe 1, deeply renewed in September by its new boss Laurent Guimier.

Nikos Aliagas at the controls of the morning of Europe 1

His most emblematic change was to put the journalist and host Nikos Aliagas at the helm of the morning, replacing Patrick Cohen, who had not managed in the previous season to raise the bar.

Among the other results of this wave, France Culture, another station of the Radio France group, has set a new record and is now close to 3% cumulative audience, with a jump of 0.6 point to 2.8% of audience cumulative.