▲ Phillip King of Belgium

Queen Mathilde of Belgium, who is visiting Korea on a state visit, looks at Korean classical education.

On the 25th, according to Han Jae-jong, Queen Mathilde visits the campus of Han Jeong Music Academy in Seocho-dong the next day and looks at the concerts and classrooms of the students.

It is an event that was concluded during the state visit of the Belgian King and his wife to the 28th.

Han Je-jong said, "Queen Mathilde paid attention to the achievements of Korean musicians who swept the world-renowned Queen Elizabeth Competition in Brussels, Belgium, and hoped to meet Korean students."

The Queen Elizabeth Competition winner from Han Jae-kyung including Lee Min-jae (1st in composition), 2010 Hong Hyeran (first in vocal music), 2012 Shin Jia (3rd in violin) and Lim Ji-young admit.

Kim Bong-ryul, President of Han Yeong-jong, Kim Dae-jin, Director of Music, and Kim Nam-yoon, Director of Korean Arts Education Center.

Lim Ji-young, winner of the contest, was also invited to the luncheon.

(Yonhap News / Photo = Yonhap News)