The serial killer, tried in Versailles for the assassination of Farida Hammiche, in 1988, angered the civil parties by invoking a faulty memory and distilling bits of information about the place where the 30-year-old woman is buried . The verdict is expected Friday.

"The reason I killed Farida Hammiche, she is simply abject: a question of money," said Thursday Michel Fourniret, tried in Versailles for the assassination of this 30-year-old woman, in 1988 There was in this crime, he admitted in 2004, "no aspect of a sexual nature," he repeated. Farida Hammiche was the wife of Jean-Pierre Hellegouarch, a former prisoner of Fourniret. He had solicited the serial killer, via his wife, to recover coins and gold bars hidden in a graveyard.

A "service" against a promised commission: "But once the work was done, there was no question of anything," says the accused, hinting that he waited before "to decide to get his hands on the magot ". How long ? asks the president. Fourniret remains silent. During his interrogation, the 76-year-old man, already sentenced to life imprisonment in 2008 for the murders of seven young women, silenced, distilled bits of information and even invoked an "aging memory". Like the way he killed Farida Hammiche. "I do not remember," said the ogre des Ardennes. But it was probably by strangulation. ".

Where is the body hidden? " At this moment, I do not know it"

He still taunted the civil parties, who want to know where the body of Farida Hammiche is buried, never found. "You say you have deposited in a career sand, says Me Didier Seban. But then you have no memory left. So what is it?, The lawyer asks. "Both," Fourniret slice.

In turn, Mr. Yolaine Bancarel insists: "Why do you pay the price to the brothers and sisters of Farida? What did they do to you, these people? Answer: "I am both crazy and a dirty guy". The lawyer wants an answer: "Yes or no" Michel Fourniret knows where he hid the body? "Honestly, at this moment, I do not know it. But it is not impossible that in the subconscious, something appears ... ", he launches, provoking the wrath of the civil parties. The verdict is expected this Friday.