Philippine President Rodrigo Duterti's idea of ​​changing the country's name yesterday sparked mixed reactions from the people, and some say the government should focus on the most important problems.

Deuterte made the remarks in a speech in which he said that the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos was right in the proposal in the 1970s that the Philippines should have a different name. "Let's change it one day. Marcus was right. He wanted to change the name to the Republic of Maharilika, since Maharlika is a Malay word meaning tranquility and peace.

Presidential spokesman Salvador Panillo said the idea was only one of many ideas for the president, and that the name change should be done through the law, which should also be put to the referendum.

Filipinos, including some legislators, have turned to social networking sites to express their support or opposition to the idea.

"The Philippines still reminds us of the King of Spain, Philip II, and we have been a colony for 300 years," said Senator Panfilo Lascon. Dismiss them politically, Maharlica looks like our own right. I would be proud to be Maharalica. "

But others wondered why the president even raised the idea.