According to information from AFP, the National Public Prosecutor's Office (PNF) asked the investigating judges in charge of the polls of the Elysee, to order the correction of the ex-secretary general of the Elysee Claude Gueant. Explanations.

The National Public Prosecutor (PNF) demands a trial for "favoritism" against Claude Gueant and former relatives of Nicolas Sarkozy in the polls case of the Elysee under his mandate, between 2007 and 2012, learned Monday AFP source close to the folder.

The PNF asks the examining magistrates to order the correctional dismissal of former secretary general of the Elysée Claude Guéant for "embezzlement of public funds by negligence" and "favoritism" , to the benefit of Patrick Buisson, former advisor unofficial report of the President suspected of "receiving" these offenses. He is accused of having re-invoiced polls at the Elysee Palace at "exorbitant prices" , via his companies, according to the requisitions of November 6 of which AFP has knowledge.

Accused of "concealment of favoritism"

More than a year after the end of the investigation, the public prosecutor claims a trial for six protagonists in total, including three other former employees of the Elysee Palace, including the former chief of staff Emmanuelle Mignon, and the political scientist. Pierre Giacometti. The investigation, launched in 2013 after a bitter procedural battle, was triggered by a complaint by Anticor anticorruption, after a damning report by the Court of Auditors in 2009.

By the voice of his lawyer Jerome Karsenti, Anticor said he was "satisfied" with this indictment while regretting "a late judicial response" .

The survey focused firstly on orders placed by the Elysée with polling institutes like Ipsos, "in ignorance" of public procurement rules. On the other hand, she was interested in the contracts tied, again, without calls for tenders, with the companies of Mr. Buisson (Publifact then Publi-Opinion) and Mr. Giacometti. The prosecution requests the dismissal of these companies and Ipsos for "concealment of favoritism" .

A profit of some 1.4 million euros

Inspiring influence of the president, who came from the extreme right, Patrick Buisson signed an agreement with the Elysee Palace in 2007, entrusting him with a remunerated consulting mission of € 10,000 per month and granting Publifact "the execution of surveys" , to his freedom of appreciation.

The survey identified 235 surveys bought by Patrick Buisson's firm and resold to the presidency between 2007 and 2009 with margins of 65% to 70%, for a profit of some 1.4 million euros.

Several indicted had tried in vain to invoke a "tradition" within the Presidency that would have evaded the rules of public order.