A variety of potentially toxic substances have been detected in diapers in France, according to a study published by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANS).
"After studies of diapers and how to use them, the regulatory body found traces of several chemicals at dangerously high levels," the agency said.

According to the study, these substances include butyl phenyl methylpropional, which is included in cosmetics, some aromatic hydrocarbons and glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide, all of which have potential risks.
The French government said manufacturers and retailers should be sure to remove the material from the diapers.

"We demand that manufacturers and retailers take action within the next 15 days to remove these substances from diapers," the ministries of health, environment and finance said in a joint statement.
The patent for glyphosate, which dozens of chemical companies have marketed around the world, is due to be phased out in France in three years but farmers are excluded from its ban because there is no reliable alternative.