“It seems to me that this is a very sad situation, when, within the framework of Russia, the names of artists finally began to appear, who influence something, who become recognizable and instead of working with them or promoting young guys, a story appeared where they copied the work. They copied not one to one, because it is very difficult to repeat, but copied the general view, ”he said.

The artist noted that he was frustrated by the fact that his work was now confused with “a rather poor-quality fake”. At the same time, Lampas added that he does not plan to sue the Black Star.

“From a legal point of view, this is quite a long litigation, because it is impossible to copy the work of the artist one-on-one, there will always be any changes. You can copy the general view ... this examination, which can be carried out for a very long time, sometimes just does not add up to my own schedule, ”explained Lampas.

In November, the company of musician Timati Black Star presented its own car wash in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospect, for the design of which sketches of a Russian calligrapher were used without his permission.