You spend your evenings using the strings of your electric guitar? Your neighbors can not stand hearing your battery? You can not help but pull your neck every time the car stereo passes a piece of the Stones? This giant casting is probably for you.

The biggest hits of rock. A true phenomenon in Italy, the Rockin'1000 event lands on the pitch of the Stade de France on June 29th. The idea is to organize an exceptional concert bringing together more than a thousand singers and musicians, both amateur and passionate, to perform all together and at the same time the standards of rock, from David Bowie to Nirvana, through the White Stripes and even Johnny Hallyday. A tribute will be made to the missing singer.

"Join the rock army" The rock specialist Philippe Manœuvre supports the initiative: "I appeal to all rockers: if you know how to play Smoke on the water , if you want to make Ramones at the Stade de France, try your luck! want you to be part of my group. "

Heard on europe1:

That's the beauty of rock. It's such a simple music that fans can play Ramones or Led Zeppelin songs

Singers and musicians from around the world are invited to participate in the casting. To be a candidate, you must be at least 16 years old, and send a video of a piece that you play. "We just have time to register, to repeat the two hours of songs (the time that will last the concert, ed), then you arrive with your little guitar and your little amp, and you join the army of rock! ", enthuses Philippe Maneuver at the microphone of Europe 1.

"That's the beauty of rock, it's such a simple music that fans can play Ramones or Led Zeppelin, and they'll be part of this big family of Rockin'1000 rockers."

In Italy, three such concerts have already taken place, including some excerpts on the Internet are more than enjoyable, for anyone who loves music and sharing.

Already 700 casting candidates. In detail, the organization is looking for 250 guitarists, 250 bassists, 250 drummers, and 250 singers, beginner, intermediate or excellent levels. Already 700 candidates have come forward, and already 5,000 spectator seats have been sold out of the 55,000 offered by the Stade de France.