The mouth area spans, forming small red pustules that itch or burn. Many people think of dry skin first. But who with extra much cream counteracts, only aggravates the problem. Because a so-called perioral dermatitis is caused by too much care.

"Perioral dermatitis is manifested by inflammatory, red, pinpoint papules or nodules that are about one to two millimeters in size, and may also flow together into small areas, become vesicles, or shed fine," explains Cord Sunderkötter. He is director of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology at the University Hospital Halle an der Saale.

Typical of perioral dermatitis are problems in the laugh lines between the mouth and cheek, directly around the mouth or on the lateral lower eyelids in the eye area, continues Sunderkötter. On the mouth, the disease can be recognized by a small recess around the lip red: There, the skin is not red, the irritation begins a few millimeters away from the lips.

One of the most commonly misdiagnosed skin diseases

Often, perioral dermatitis is not easily recognized because the lesions are not very strong - that makes them treacherous. "Many patients are prescribed by the family doctor a cortisone cream," says Jens Tesmann, dermatologist from Stuttgart and a member of the professional association of German dermatologists.

With cortisone, perioral dermatitis is getting better, says Tesmann - "but it comes back stronger when you put the cream off." Therefore, the disease is one of the skin diseases that are most often misdiagnosed.

It burns and itches around the mouth or on the eyelids and show red nodules, should affected ones by no means resort to the cream itself. "Perioral dermatitis is one of the few skin diseases in which you have to omit something to make it better," says Sunderkötter.

A "greenhouse for pathogenic germs"

The disease is caused in people with appropriate disposition often by prolonged use of cosmetics, especially by moisturizing creams. Other triggers include over-care with tonic and washing lotion or strong covering make-up. Since the skin can not breathe, a "greenhouse for pathogenic germs" is created under the decoration layer, says Tesmann.

more on the subject

Itching and inflammation This helps with atopic dermatitis

Therefore, the perioral dermatitis was also referred to as "stewardess disease": flight attendants are usually heavily made up, change the climate zones and have irregular sleep times. All this means stress - even for the skin.

"It started in a classic way - with small red pustules near the corners of my mouth," recalls Saskia Tieberg ( name changed - d . The rash became significantly stronger within a few days. Tieberg struggled with the problems for six weeks.

The 36-year-old is convinced that private stress helped the burning rash. "I've been using the same very mild and skin-friendly care and beauty products for years," she says. "So there was no change that could have been responsible." But that's exactly what a typical misbelief is.

"Anyone who keeps using cosmetics, even over years the same product lines, in which at some point the time can be reached, in which the skin is very irritated," says Sunderkötter.

Zero diet for the skin

Patients need patience: "Perioral dermatitis can not be treated quickly," says dermatologist Tesmann. "It takes weeks - that's what the patients have to be prepared for." Best is a kind of zero diet for the skin to give her time for regeneration.

In support of the doctor recommends Schwarzteeumschläge: For this, sufferers must cook a very strong black tea, let cool, soak a thin cotton cloth in it and put on the skin. "The tannins soothe the skin and also help to reduce the redness," explains Tesmann.

Cord Sunderkötter also advises on this home remedy. "If it is a very strong form of perioral dermatitis, dermatologists may also prescribe an anti-inflammatory cream."