The mayor LR of the seventh arrondissement of Paris went on Wednesday, October 17, on a drug trafficking camp in the north of the capital, to meet some fifty drug addicts and some residents of excreted.

It's called "crack hill" . A drug trafficking camp in the 18th district, north of the capital, was visited by Rachida Dati on Wednesday night. The MEP was accompanied by Pierre Liscia, elected district, who had launched an appeal to the PS mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo to alert on the situation of the neighborhood and the exasperation of residents.

Rachida Dati was stopped by several drug addicts on the way from the metro. "To not smoke in front of children. We come here. Until we find a solution we stay there, " a woman told him. "It's not a human solution. We want a structure for you, " said the former Minister of Justice under Nicolas Sarkozy.

"I never thought of shooting rooms"

Among the few residents present, Gisèle Brochet, 70 years old, LR sympathizer, deplored the insecurity of the neighborhood she has lived for 48 years: "Here it is catastrophic. Many people are attacked. Naguim Aouchiche, manager of a bar, said he was living "a hell" , explaining that drug addicts "drive customers away" . "There is no support for disadvantaged people. We need to develop truly medical care centers. I never believed in shooting rooms , " said Rachid Dati.

With @PierreLiscia, meeting with users of the crack of the hill and meeting with local residents and Parisians abandoned to insecurity and traffickers of all kinds.

- Rachida Dati ن (@datirachida) October 17, 2018

She also denied any election campaign on his part, while Béatrice Faillès, LREM candidate in the 17th district of Paris, denounced an "instrumentalisation" . Anne Hidalgo announced last week her plan for the north-east of the capital gangrené by drug trafficking: more marauding drug users, more places in accommodation and an additional million euros.

The situation in the capital has gradually deteriorated in recent months. According to several sources, after the dismantling of this "hill" , where up to 700 people were transported each day to obtain supplies of crack, drug addicts scattered in several neighboring districts, causing problems of violence and insecurity.