Raymond Artis, president of CIPF, the first federation of parents, announced his resignation on Wednesday, November 21st.

Raymond Artis, president since last June of the CIPF, first federation of parents of students, resigned after oppositions within the organization, he indicated Wednesday to the AFP confirming an information of the specialized letter The educational café.

New crisis at Fcpe: President Raymond Artis and his office have resigned

- Educational café (@cafepedagogique) November 20, 2018

"The CIPF has been in crisis for a long time," Artis said. "We have carried out a whole bunch of projects, making choices, focusing on the training of executives, new communication tools, and these are the choices we are accused of today . "

Last week, two members of the national office asked at a board of directors for the total renewal of the office. "I learned the consequences and asked the entire office to resign," said the former president of CIPF, who finds himself without direction.

280,000 members

Mr. Artis had succeeded Liliana Moyano, elected in 2015, to replace Paul Raoult, disavowed by the delegates of the Federation. The unexpected departure of Mr. Raoult, who had chaired the CIPF for two years, had already been attributed internally to a crisis of organization and a lack of democracy.

With 280,000 members and 102 associations throughout France, the FCPE is the first federation of parents of students.