Cities, streets and people Stories and stories Ola, through her talent in photography, plans to recognize and uncover hidden aspects of her work, after successfully organizing what she calls "photo walk," in which dozens of professional photographers and lens enthusiasts from several nationalities , To embody some of its basic goals and dreams of creating and establishing a common human space that transcends disparities and defies barriers.

Al-Luz spoke to Emirates Today about her first steps in this field and her specialization in accounting, which led her to a bachelor's degree from the UAE University. The seven years in the field of anti-money laundering and financial auditing, but I later gave up this work for things related to time and obligations. "The idea of ​​sitting for long hours in one environment is no longer suited to my dreams and my passion for photography, Travel and expand my experiences in MG The Art of Photography. This enthusiasm opened up a broad horizon for research and scrutiny of the details of daily life and its elements, and focusing on the stories of people who carried the same characteristics. "The best capture of the similarities between the human experiences that I take and highlight them in my work, which I think always urges me to invest the language United humanity, which has always brought me the experience of photographers who only master the language of art we share. "

Permanent search

"Every photographer has a certain beginning, a try and a permanent search for the field or specialty, which he sees as a real outlet for the dedication of his creative talent. This led me to photograph things and the environment around me," he says. And the daily life stories of the people that I wanted a kind of authentic documentation and a narrative of reality, through various visual vocabulary, "a banner" through photography, discovered the embodiments of daily life and stories of people in the UAE, and I think that the means of social communication have contributed positively in this subject, I gave up Field wide in front of these details to float on the surface, albeit randomly often, and then the idea arose (Photo.UAE) digital page which was established to provide real and realistic picture ».

For this reason, Ola is optimistic about the achievement she has created since 2016 on the ING website, and has succeeded in introducing local Emirati culture through a successful "virtual art community", bringing together lovers of photography from different races and nationalities. As well as the establishment of a unified human experience, combining historical and geographical differences, and engaging in a broad framework of creative cultural and human exchange: «happy with the achievements of this leading artistic group, and the size of the relations and experiences that have been exchanged in meetings and tours over the past few years, The latest of which was the unique experience that led us to the Kingdom of Bahrain last week and the Apple Store tour, which included more than 25 photographers taking their daily life details at the Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa. "

Inspirational experiences

As for the feasibility of these tours, Ola Al-Luz refers to her success in transferring various experiences to a number of professional and amateur photographers, in addition to bringing the artistic viewpoints closer, and developing angles and details that each photographer can relate to according to his own vision and artistic vision. The opportunity to gather these talents and experiences of the UAE, Arab and foreign, and the search for a common space for dialogue and to devote the experience of constructive cultural and human exchange, in a positive and fruitful way », adding« an experiment I think to activate in a serious future, and translated in an exhibition carries a common theme of these tours, A group of professional Emirati photographers, and many well-known names in the world of photography ».


The almonds talk about the effects of the art of photography in the details of her life, and even in her character, which she described shyly, as a result of continuing with diverse groups of people with ideas and dreams converged, while attracted to the various human models, described as calm and harmonious with her personality, There are a lot of people who have been affected by the tours I have done, including the 80-year-old photographer from South Africa, who has had to make her age and stick to the pursuit of photography she loves, to acquire a smaller camera that is less weightless than she can afford the weight of her camera Old" The relay «hang it fascinated me the image and the strength of her character and adherence to her love. I also do not forget my first trip to Morocco and to the United Kingdom, and this is something that I hope to repeat in my next trip and my next visit to Tunisia. "

new Horizons

In response to the funding sources of her specialized photography tours, she talks about her dealings with various government and private entities in the UAE, as well as her permanent representation of Fujifilm, a specialized company in this field, which may contribute to covering the expenses of these tours, Visual vision of multiple locations in the UAE.


Over her long career with photography, Ola managed to harvest:

12 gold medals.

5 silver medals.

7 bronze medals.

7 awards in local competitions in the UAE.

24 from 14 countries, including Singapore, India, Ireland, Serbia, Germany, Indonesia, Morocco, the United States, Croatia, Greece and others.