The skin is red, white scales form, itches and burns and hurts: These are signs of psoriasis, also called psoriasis. "It often occurs on the elbow, knee, head or buttocks," says dermatologist Claudia Pföhler, who works at the Saarland University Hospital in Homburg. Psoriasis is not contagious, but chronic - and often extremely stressful.

What is the cause of psoriasis?

It is estimated that about two million people in Germany have the skin disease. The predisposition to it is genetically determined. However, a family history does not necessarily mean that psoriasis must occur. Often it takes one or more triggers for it. "These may include skin injuries, sunburn, stress, but also certain medications, hormone fluctuations or metabolic disorders," says Pföhler.

First signs of psoriasis are always a case for the family doctor. Because there are diseases with similar symptoms - such as eczema or fungal infections. "In order to come to a safe diagnosis, blood tests, smears and if necessary tissue samples must be made," explains Pföhler.

Body careWith healthy skin through the winter

Do not use cortisone ointments permanently

Which therapy makes sense depends on how pronounced the symptoms are. "Mild cases of psoriasis are often treated with creams," says Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists in Berlin. Good results can be achieved according to their statements with cortisone applications. "Such creams or ointments are well tolerated, but they should not be used daily over a longer period of time."

For psoriasis on joints, marmot albums are effective. However, marmot fat also contains cortisone - so it should not be applied too long without interruption. Another therapy option for psoriasis are preparations with coal tar or extracts thereof. Such products are available in washing concentrates, shake mixtures or in oil baths. "Because of their rather unpleasant odor and discoloration, however, products with coal tar are rarely prescribed - and if so, then more in the context of inpatient treatment," said Sellerberg.

What do Biologicals and fumaric acid bring ?

A therapy that can bring relief in severe cases of psoriasis within a few weeks, is the use of so-called biologicals. These drugs are designed to target the messengers of inflammation in the body. The substances are laboratory-made proteins. "In the initial phase, the doctor injects it into the patient, later the patient injects himself," says Pföhler. The disadvantage of Biologicals: "They are relatively expensive and only come into play when other treatment attempts have brought nothing."

Other psoriasis drugs include fumaric acid, Sellerberg explains. The acid inhibits the uncontrolled proliferation of skin cells and thus slows down the formation of dandruff and inflammation. In rare cases, however, the therapy has side effects such as facial flushing, flushing or gastrointestinal problems.

Whether ointments, creams or medicines - one problem always remains: The treatments can only alleviate the symptoms, psoriasis is not curable.