Quick prepared, healthy and also delicious - when it comes to food, people in Germany obviously have high standards. However, very few people stick to it, according to a survey commissioned by the Federal Government. Nine out of ten interviewees say they care about their eating habits. Nevertheless, ready meals according to the Federal Minister of Food Julia Klöckner (CDU) are very much in vogue.

It therefore wants to reduce the content of sugar, fat and salt in finished products together with the food industry. However, it brings nothing to halve the sugar content of today, according to the CDU politician. The healthier products then threatened to become storekeepers. "In the end, it will not help if it does not taste good," Klöckner said.

Main thing yummy

For taste is the most important criterion according to the latest nutrition report. After all, 99 percent of the respondents said that they attach particular importance to this. Half of it also takes care of a simple preparation, a bit further back are the calorie content and price.

The annual Nutrition Report is based on a representative survey by the pollster Forsa. Experience has shown that such surveys are susceptible to error, especially in terms of nutrition, people tend to give answers that are socially desirable.

Further results at a glance:

  • Few want to do without meat . Only one percent of the respondents eat vegan, after all, six percent eat vegetarian. By contrast, among 14 to 29-year-olds, there are eleven percent. Nearly every third person (28 percent) eats meat or sausage every day.

Theme Day MeatNo meat is not a solution either

  • There are visible differences between East and West Germany : in the East, 43 percent eat meat and sausage every day, and only 26 percent in the West. On the other hand, 80 percent say they eat fruit and vegetables every day in the East, and only 69 percent in the West.
  • The Germans like to go shopping : 69 percent of the respondents do their shopping several times a week in the supermarket. Only nine percent had food delivered to their home last year. The value was slightly higher in cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants. Here the share was 15 percent.
  • Many want to spend as little time as possible on the stove. After all, every second thing depends on a quick and easy preparation . This wish was particularly high among the 30- to 44-year-olds. In addition, the time factor played a greater role in women than in men. If women make 55 percent of fast and easy preparation, 41 percent of them are men.
  • Even though health plays a major role for the majority of respondents, every fifth person uses sweets and snacks every day.
  • After all, one in ten said never to cook . 77 percent are at the stove at least twice a week.
  • People in Germany like to eat abroad . At least 73 percent visit a restaurant at least once a month. Canteens are also popular. About one in four employees uses this offer.
  • Organic is in trend : every second stated in the survey, to pay attention to appropriate seals. This also applies to the question of whether a food was produced on fair or particularly animal-friendly conditions. Respondents also rate the contents and additives (84%), origin (80%) and best-before date (79%) as "important" or "very important". How many actually use the often more expensive organic products, the survey did not cover.