Christian Estrosi, mayor of the city of Nice, canceled this Saturday a wedding ceremony after smoke jets came from the bridal procession and targeting the police station. He did not indicate a deferral date, "given the seriousness of the offenses".

The mayor of Nice LR, Christian Estrosi announced that he had canceled Saturday a wedding ceremony that was to take place during the day, after a smoke jet on a police station, during the passage of the bridal procession. The police said they had two arrests.

"After the numerous traffic violations of a motorcade, the use and the smoke throw on the police station Auvare, I gave instructions not to celebrate a wedding planned today, under the charter signed by future spouses " , said Christian Estrosi. "Given the seriousness of the offenses" , he did not "wish to indicate the date of postponement" of the marriage.

The smuggler, a 26-year-old Marseillais who was driving one of the carriages of the motorcade, was taken into custody in an open investigation for "intentional violence with a weapon by destination against a person public authority, " said a police source.

"Do not disturb the tranquility and solemnity of the moment"

He recognized the throwing of the smoke over the wall of the precinct and his Mercedes was seized. Another participant in the marriage was also arrested, for contempt, after insulting the police and placed in custody.

On 2 September, a marriage had already been postponed following a number of traffic violations and the endangering of others by another marriage procession. It was then the fifth wedding ceremony canceled under this charter of marriages, denounced as discriminatory and electioneering by the left opposition in Nice.

Introduced in 2012 in Nice, the charter commits the bride and groom "not to disturb the tranquility, tranquility and solemnity of the moment" . It still forbids them to deploy "flags, especially foreign" .