The benefits of green tea "Green tea" amazing and many, has been called by the Japanese priest Eisai "Eisai" in the twelfth century AD, "Acacia of life", because it is useful for the heart and prolong life, and after several centuries people still drink green tea for its great value, and Health magazines promote it as a super drink that can help in everything from weight loss to cancer prevention.

In green tea leaves are younger than black tea leaves, they do not fade and become oxidized. Of all the tea types consumed in the United States in 2017, 13% People are drinking green tea, according to the American Tea Association.
If the tea is bitter, it means that you have boiled the leaves in very hot water, or kept them soaked in water for a long time. It is best to place the green tea leaves in water with a temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82.22 degrees) Cent) for just a few minutes, to get you a distinctive taste, and multiple benefits.

1. Benefits of green tea for the heart

Newsweek suggests that a recent study by Harvard University has shown that green tea has chemicals that help eliminate inflammation and reduce plaque buildup within the arteries, so cardiovascular health improves in those who continue to eat it.

Green tea can also help reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body, and increase the ability of antioxidants in the blood, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

2. Benefits of green tea to prevent cancer
Green tea contains polyphenolic compounds, a type of antioxidant that reduces chronic diseases by improving the cellular function of the tissues. It also helps reduce free radicals in the body and protects the body's cells from cancer, especially lung, pancreatic and colorectal cancers.

3. Benefits of green tea to lose weight
Newsweek says that green tea will not make you a miracle by burning calories faster, but it can make a difference and contribute to your weight loss if you use it as an alternative to coffee drinks or sugary juices, just eat it without sugar if you want to get rid of excess fat in your body .

4. Benefits of green tea for the brain

Green tea contains caffeine, which is a stimulant known, but also contains acids useful for hearing, which helps you to calm and focus, and studies have shown that it reduces the feeling of anxiety and improves memory and attention, and contributes to sleep better.

5. Benefits of green tea for mouth
Studies have shown that polyphenols found in green tea have antimicrobial effects, contribute to the reduction of bad breath, and green tea has antiviral properties. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a green tea extract to treat genital warts.