This week there was a mass of media insinuations on both sides of information barricades around the situation in Ukraine, and in the Donbass conflict zone in particular. Of course, the published list of citizens and companies of the Square, who had fallen under Russian sanctions, overshadowed most of them, but it is very important to hear two messages in this confusion, which had not previously been so frankly characteristic of the frontline situation.

They are obviously connected with the upcoming elections in both republics of Donbass, the preparation for which takes place in a rather nervous atmosphere. According to my information, the special services of the DPR and the LPR are now working in a heightened mode, as there is plenty of data on provocations being prepared by Kiev.

Well, firstly, the Donbass security officials became aware of the transfer of additional NATO forces to the EP zone (operation of the joint forces). This is, of course, about the instructors and military advisers of the United States, who are so actively engaged in the “consultations” of Kiev on front-line and near-front topics. Relevant statements by representatives of the security forces of the DPR were made at the official level, and it is curious that the Ukrainian authorities themselves partially confirmed this intelligence.

For example, there were reports in the network that in Kramatorsk (a city under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since July 2014) restrictions were imposed on the movement of citizens, residents are being urged to not leave their homes without an urgent need. This is allegedly connected with anti-sabotage events conducted by the SBU. Let me remind you, Kramatorsk is at a decent distance from the direct line of contact of the armies of Ukraine and the Donbass republics. Kilometers so in 80 from the nearest trench. And so the question arises: what should the Ukrainian security forces really do there under the guise of fighting the DRG?

Here you need to clearly understand that it was in Kramatorsk for the past few years that the headquarters of the so-called ATO was located (long before it was renamed Kiev OOS) and the city throughout the war was primarily the most important logistics center. Including for NATO instructors and military advisers. Western specialists were mainly delivered to the airfield in Kramatorsk by helicopters, and only then they were distributed along the front line.

The same applied to various special purpose units of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine, as well as special forces of the SBU and saboteurs trained by Ukrainian security officers to perform particularly important tasks on the territory and in the rear of the enemy (in Donetsk, their activities are usually called terrorist attacks, for obvious reasons).

It is obvious that, after another public announcement by Donbass speakers of data on the transfer of additional NATO personnel to the Ukrainian front, the Kiev authorities finally realized that in “Kramatorsk” the “separatists” still have quite a few supporters with real data on the movements of Western specialists and on that activity which takes place directly at the Kramatorsk airfield.

And if before Kiev, for the most part, this kind of informational attacks by the DPR and the LPR disregarded Kiev, this time the Ukrainian commanders decided to play it safe and imposed a state of emergency in the city. Only now the attempt to “look away” led only to the fact that they “burned” even more, and now the fact that the Ukrainian side is preparing for some special events on the eve of elections in the Donbass has turned from dubious to almost indisputable.

Considering that one of the reasons for the election, at least in the Donetsk People’s Republic, was the terrorist attack that killed state leader Alexander Zakharchenko, it is clear what kind of provocations Kiev can prepare under the strict supervision of Western curators. However, the desire to hide from the eyes of the residents of Kramatorsk as much as possible what is happening in the city speaks about the likelihood of a more serious scenario.

It is clear that military experts, as well as representatives of the military command of the Donbass republics, are talking about the upcoming offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine almost every day from the TV screens and at regular briefings, but contrary to the crooked smile of skeptics, I do not consider Poroshenko a politician who is seriously the degree of adequacy from the ex-President of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili. That is why I do not exclude the likelihood that, being encouraged by these very NATO curators, Poroshenko can go on an adventure, similar to that which Saakashvili decided in August of 2008.

Judge for yourself - the presidential election in Ukraine itself is just around the corner. The election campaign has actually begun. The political rating of the same Tymoshenko is much higher than Poroshenko's rating, and it is convenient to correct the bad numbers with the help of a sharp front aggravation. Is the Ukrainian president ready to go all-in right now - when is there a suitable information occasion for this? The question, of course, is open. But the fact that the Kiev authorities will try to extract their own dividends from the front situation in the Donbass and the Western curators intend to help them with this, in my opinion, is beyond doubt.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.