"Give your children absolute self-confidence to be free from any learning difficulties," was the advice of French actress Natalie Bay to parents on World Learning Day, which is held annually on October 10.

The French artist chose Beirut, specifically the platform of the Lebanese Center for Specialized Education (CELIS), which is its ambassador around the world, to launch its appeal to all families in the world.

"My message as an actress has an impact on people," said Bai, winner of four Cesar Awards for best French film productions. So I tell them today that we all have to boldly talk about the learning difficulties our children are experiencing. We have to realize that learning comes through fun and play. "

Natalie Bey herself suffered from learning difficulties in her childhood. It was dyslexia, one of the educational difficulties that also included dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia, attention deficit, and poor memory.

"It did not stop my talent and ambitions, because my parents gave me the full freedom and confidence to launch my imagination. Through the non-traditional study I had, such as dance, music and theater, I was able to raise my potential and sharpen my talent. "

"At the age of nine, the subject was still not well known in France, but my school had an important educational and educational cadre, and I noticed that I was stumbling over reading, and I was that dreamy child. The dream is the refuge to which I flee. "

"The school summoned my mother and father to inform them of the reality of my condition, and they accepted the subject with a great heart and awareness. They are painters, and they did not make my difficulties a tragedy for their lives or my life. The stage passed very calmly and did not affect my soul. I had exercises with a specialist asking me to read happy stories. Which I choose.

She stressed that the most important thing I learned during the face of dyslexia is that education through entertainment, joy and enjoyment is the most important thing in the process of growth of the mind. "I did not feel miserable or difficult. It's true that I was not a good student and I left school at the age of 14, but I gained confidence in myself. "

"When they asked me in my interviews about the classes or certificates I got, I told them that I left school early, and started to learn to dance at a ballet school in Monaco. Then I moved to the world of acting in cinema, theater and television, What I read and read, and it was a lot ».

She preferred not to address her career on World Learning Day, but she said she loved and followed Arab cinema. She would not mind playing a role in a Lebanese, Egyptian or any other Arab country, provided that the scenario is good and the role is appropriate.