Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, said that the great support of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, for UAE, Arab and international culture has made Sharjah a true cultural capital.

He added that "intellectuals and intellectuals from all over the world come to Sharjah every year to discuss the culture and its role and development in the context of coexistence on the table of knowledge and accept the difference that enriches diversity and does not hinder it, which emphasizes the importance of culture in supporting and promoting the values ​​of tolerance and communication among the peoples of the world, Sharjah International Book Fair is one of the most important cultural platforms in the Arab world and the region. It provides all the means to achieve a state of communication and coexistence that ignites creativity and establishes the principles of human values.

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak visited the Sharjah International Book Fair, which was inaugurated by His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah last Wednesday. He met with a number of Arab and foreign intellectuals and publishers from the 37 guests of the exhibition, and discussed with him the importance of culture and the role of intellectuals around the world in establishing values ​​of tolerance, , And rejection of violence, extremism and hatred, which reinforces lofty human values ​​that make the world a better place to live. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak said: "I am keen to visit the exhibition every year because I am convinced of the importance of culture for the advancement of nations and peoples and my belief in the pioneering role played by the exhibition in supporting culture. The days and nights of the exhibition are transformed into cultural festivals that continue with knowledge and creativity. And it would not have been possible without the high patronage and unlimited support of Sharjah Book by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, whose experience in supporting culture and knowledge over four decades is an inspiring experience at the Arab and international levels » . He added that «the exhibition is an annual cultural event that everyone seeks to provide the latest achievements of the Arab mind and the world of knowledge and creativity, in addition to the activities of the exhibition of intellectual seminars and literary evenings», adding that the Ministry of Tolerance finds in the exhibition and the momentum of intellectual and cultural An opportunity to introduce participants to what the UAE is seeking to offer through the Ministry of Tolerance to establish the values ​​of coexistence and acceptance of the other, and to promote the values ​​of mutual respect in the management of differences, regardless of their size or source, to promote human values ​​not only in the UAE but everywhere in this great world. The importance of participation Ministry of tolerance during the next phase in the events and activities of the Sharjah Book Fair, with its great momentum, a huge mass increases year after year.

"The intellectuals around the world have a great role in supporting the values ​​of global tolerance because of their vast knowledge and wide public awareness among their readers and followers, which underscores the importance of communicating with them and highlighting the most important achievements of the ministry."

- A leading role

The show is in

Supporting culture.