News from the island

  • The torture, looting and burning of 'Ali al-'Umari in Saudi prisons
  • The son of Trump compares Mexico's wall to a zoo wall
  • American magazine: That is why America may lose any war against Russia or China
  • Newspaper: 45 billion dollars Qatar's investment in Britain
  • Newsweek article: tyranny has nothing to do with the principles of Islam

I begin and tell me your city tell you who you are. Tell me how your city treats you. I tell you how patriotic you are. this is my city. I see the city through the eyes of its inhabitants, through the lives of most and not the elite of its inhabitants, through the city's ability to help you to make friends and family and do what causes you pleasure and happiness and achieve you peace and serenity. this is my city. Why the dazzling lifestyle of poverty, poverty and cruelty of life for many? Our world has unprecedented technological, digital, design, planning, financial and administrative developments, and most of the population remains homeless and hopeful.

When this abysmal gap is sealed and this sudden division becomes a history that will never return, this is my city. So access can be very desired, we must start and the final picture is clear in our minds. This is the city layout. We can not shift from the focus on the people of Omran to the secluded elite, and we believe that we are building a city that achieves prosperity and belonging and disseminates justice and peace. this is my city.

When you stop asking millions of people: Do you have running water, sanitation, electricity, have your children been vaccinated, have your children gone to school this morning, how many meals do you eat every day? When we stop asking these questions, the city will be fair and worthy of love and pride of belonging to it. This is my city. Public transportation that respects human beings is the backbone of the city because it connects humans and space, creates opportunities for growth, economic mobility, improvement of the environment and equality of people. Only when public transportation is human friendly does the city become human friendly. this is my city.

More important than all that we are talking about is the success of the city: infrastructure, built environment, natural resources and the skyline. All this is essential and important, but the difference is human

E city is for people. When people do not benefit from the city, they do not become their city, nor their place, nor their homeland. My city, where all people are looking at their rivers and seas and walking on their banks, never stops them with a sign saying "Private beach and private club". My city is the city that embraces people and protects them and makes them happy because the city is the people and the homeland is the people and the paradise without people. this is my city.

The bustling, bustling city ensures its inhabitants escape from this hustle and bustle to open, peaceful and peaceful public gardens, accessible to all, just steps or minutes from the city center and organically spread in its fabric. this is my city. My city celebrates its history without exception and does not get rid of its heritage subject to the desire of an investor greed or corrupt ignorant official. My city does not marginalize the minds, conscience and ideas and glorify the hypocrites, the users and the Philoids. this is my city.

The city is a space for intensifying humanity, a network of human interactions and interactions. The city returns to life every day because of humans. Yes, more important than all that we are talking about is the success of the city: infrastructure, built environment, natural resources and the skyline. All this is essential and important, but the difference is human. The city is human friendly. this is my city.

Humans are the cause of the city's return to life. Humans are gathered in the common spaces of the city to work, to live, to play, to learn. If people are really welcome in the city, they deserve to feel welcome. They deserve to express their identity and where they came from. My city is the city that embraces them to share in others common values ​​and a just life. this is my city.

My city is crying when some of its inhabitants dig into the piles of rubbish in search of a peak that fills the hunger of endless pain. The cities of human habitation and human happiness and ensure human values


Great cities yesterday, today and tomorrow are always the crossroads of races and cultures, and through this diversity and overlap and interaction become centers of knowledge and production and the introduction of new and the formulation of new social and human patterns. this is my city. My city does not have the largest mosque, the largest church and the highest skyscraper. My city is not guarded by tanks and supervised by informants. My city does not have a giant wall. this is my city.

My city stimulates minds, raises questions, encourages creators and celebrates artists. My city has an open plan, an extended museum, a green playground, a forum for thinkers and a free space for owners of pens, colors, lenses and brushes. My city sneezes when some of its inhabitants tremble with harsh cold. My city screams if it is wronged and trampled by its poor. My city is angry and some of its inhabitants are in cold, cold prisons just because they seek freedom, justice and dignity.

My city is crying when some of its inhabitants dig into the piles of rubbish in search of a peak that fills the hunger of endless pain. The cities of human habitation and human happiness and ensure human values. Yes, definitely, my city does not have the largest mosque, the largest church and the highest skyscraper. My city has no giant statue sculpted on its base: the inspiring and immortal leader of the philosopher doctor. But my city is the city of man. My city is human.