The Movember Foundation and Cerhom broadcast from Tuesday a spot prevention against prostate cancer and testicles. "Watch out for your balls guys," maliciously recalls the campaign, which spins the metaphor of the game of petanque.

The Movember Foundation and Cerhom, two associations fighting against male cancer Tuesday launched a campaign with a malicious spot broadcast on the internet, "a real movie balls" running the petulant metaphor to encourage men to monitor their "equipment" .

The film shot with actors of series or cinema is shot in the petanque club Lepic-Abbesses in Paris. He manages to evoke male cancers of the prostate and testicles without ever using a medical term. The film concludes on "Watch out for your balls guys, it would be really crazy" .


Prostate cancer is the first cancer in France by its incidence, and testicular cancer is the first cancer of the young man. In 95% of cases, if the disease is diagnosed in time, healing is at the rendezvous.

To convey the message, real actors volunteered for the cause: Philippe du Janerand, Frédéric Bouraly ("Scenes of Household" on M6), Hubert Saint-Macary, Bryan Treasure and Theo Bertrand of "Most beautiful life" , Khaled Alouach and Daouda Keita ("With all my strength" in the cinema), the animator Benoit Chaigneau and the actor Théo Fernandez ("The Tuche").

The film, broadcast on the Dailymotion account of the two associations Movember and Cerhom, was directed by Antoine de Bujadoux. The two associations hope that it will be widely resumed and become "viral" .

A mustache in November

The Cerhom association, launched by Gustave Roussy's oncologist and sponsored by actor Romain Duris, launched the first male cancer center. The Movember Foundation fights for men's health worldwide. Born in Australia at a pub in Melbourne, her "Movember" campaign invites everyone to grow their mustaches in November to raise awareness and raise funds.