In the Florida fires, singer Miley Cyrus and her friend, actor Liam Hemsworth, lost their homes. But the disaster has apparently welded the two together even closer, as the 26-year-old has now told in the Howard Star Show.

Asked by the presenter if Hemsworth was her boyfriend or fiancé, Cyrus replied that she called him her "survival partner." He had brought all their pets to safety when the forest fires in Malibu destroyed their house. The 28-year-old actually managed to rescue her cats, dogs, horses and two pigs with his truck. For that, she would love him even more than before, Cyrus enthused.

Her boyfriend would not find the new nickname romantic, said the singer who was filming in South Africa when the fires raged in Southern California. Even Thomas Gottschalk, the neighbor of Cyrus and Hemsworth, had lost his villa in the flames.

Hemsworth had posted a photo of the burned-down building on Instagram in November, saying, "It was heartbreaking days."

Check out this post on Instagram

It's been a heartbreaking few days. This is what's left of my house. Love. Many people in Malibu and surrounding areas in California have lost their homes. I spent the day in Malibu yesterday and it's amazing! Malibu is a strong community and this event is only going to make it stronger. Thankful for the great local guys. I love u guys. I love you Malibu. Thank you for all the hero firefighters around California. It's going to be a journey to rebuild. Stay strong. To help / donate visit @malibufoundation and @happyhippiefdn

A post shared by Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth) on Nov 13, 2018 at 8:31 PST

In addition to the animals Hemsworth could still save his cameras and his laptop, said Cyrus. She especially regretted the loss of her handwritten songs. Her notebook with many texts burned. After the fire, they would now temporarily live in Nashville, Tennessee.

Cyrus and Hemsworth became engaged in May 2012, but announced their separation in September 2013. Since 2016, the two are again a couple. Since then, the singer has been repeatedly seen with her old engagement ring.