Four men were indicted and incarcerated Saturday in Saint-Étienne (Loire). They are suspected of wanting to commit an attack on French soil on the first day of mobilization of yellow vests, November 17. In custody, individuals have not hidden their radicalization.

Four men suspected of having planned an attack Saturday, November 17 during the mobilization of the Yellow Vests were indicted and placed in custody the same day. They are suspected of "criminal criminal conspiracy association" , reports the newspaper Le Parisien .

Suspecting imminent action, the investigators of the Antiterrorist Sub-Directorate (SDAT) were alerted by an SMS sent by one of the suspects to his fiancée: "It will bleed November 17. On Tuesday, 13 November, three of the suspects, two brothers of 23 and 35 years old known for radicalization and a man of 52 years, were arrested in Saint-Étienne (Loire).

A weapon found

Two other men already in prison were taken from their cells and placed in police custody. Among them would be the leader of the group. Indicted in a terrorism case a year and a half ago, the individual communicated by telephone from his cell with others. During the search, the police found a hunting weapon and seven rounds of ammunition. The computers contained pro-Daesh documents and videos.

In custody, the suspects did not hide their commitment. The investigation must determine what course of action was planned for November 17. According to one of them, the band wanted to take advantage of the movement of the yellow vests to commit a robbery. The anti-terrorist judges are convinced that it was a terrorist attack that they were planning. Four of the five suspects were subsequently indicted after being held in police custody.