Lyon police, who were investigating drug trafficking, discovered 226 grams of cocaine and nearly 25,000 euros at the home of the mother-in-law of an alleged drug dealer. It must be presented to the prosecution this Friday, November 9.

Maybe he thought the investigators would not go digging there. An alleged drug dealer hid drugs at his mother-in-law's home. At her home, the police found 226 grams of cocaine 24,880 euros. Previously, they had discovered a few grams of drugs and 180 euros during the search of the apartment the suspect's campaign. He himself was arrested with a small amount of cocaine and 810 euros on Monday.

Denounced by an anonymous source as a cocaine reseller, the 38-year-old is well known to the courts. He is in detention at the semi-liberty center of Lyon. When questioned, the mother-in-law said that she did not know that her daughter was selling narcotics. Both were left free.

The 30-year-old, for his part, denied the resale of cocaine but said he kept the products on behalf of a third party whose name he did not reveal. He must be at the prosecutor's office this Friday, November 9th.