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Love is the result of the emotional resources and the result of this moral conscience inherent in our depths, and has been since the dawn of humanity, which is the basis that protects the human being and is based on it to maintain his psychological balance and invests in his hard work to satisfy his emotional desires and psychological need to safety and comfort in distress and condolences in adversities and calamities and congratulations In the delights and joys, it is an area that does not recognize the logic of narrow interest or individuality, but the ultimate goal and noble purpose is that permanent pleasure that man feels that I found ties and permanent links and these values ​​could be rooted in the complexity of social relations Creating the foundation upon which the most important social institutions are the family as a basis for the stability of society and control relations between its members on the basis of interdependence and integration.

The characteristics of these relations and emotional ties have been sustained in all ages and with a quick look at the history, we find that all peoples have a huge stock of narratives of love and passion and their culture is reflected in poems, folk songs, kisses and stories of lovers that represented the existence of symbolic stocks that remained sticks to domestication. Has contributed to the reduction of the tendency to aggression and selfishness and the barrier to prevent the disintegration of societies, and if this is always the rule, the fact that we are witnessing the emergence of a new reality different from the usual and usual characterized by emotional chaos and the tyranny of consumer values ​​and growing tendency to prefer transient relations instead of stability and sustainability The spontaneous, crystallized rapidly under the influence of the development of capitalism, technological and intellectual secretions.

Since its emergence in Europe, capitalism has undergone drastic changes in the level and means of production, as well as a new form of modern intellectual perception, which has enabled a profound change in the composition and internal chemistry of societies. In the past, society was a structure based on a small group of solidarity, Links of passion, love and affection among its components, especially within the family between the couple and between them and their children as a direct commitment to the norms and teachings of religion The industrial societies' growth has coincided with a rational intellectual revolution that made man a measure of everything and sanctified human will and Considered religious motivated by the concern and the need for the presence of the Lord as long as man is able to control their own destiny and existence and reap the fruits of his efforts in this world.

The basis of the intellectual basis of capitalism based on the three pillars of the individual and freedom and profit (personal interest) had a profound impact on the structure of society and awareness of its members

These materialistic concepts, which were preached by modernity as a doctrine of capitalist societies, were finally created through a long process by a new human being on a scale with a new style in their mentality and behavior and a utilitarian and opportunistic view of life based on self-reference and excessive narcissism and the pursuit of personal interests without regard for moral resources and for human ties based on cooperation and integration And solidarity, which formed the basis of human existence since ancient times, and called for the non-recognition of relations based on affection and love and marginalization and extended these results to include countries that have reached a range of modern style distorted, including the world Lord, which is noted in the pattern of individual behaviors that are permeate daily life details.

The intellectual basis of capitalism, based on the three pillars of the individual, freedom and profit (personal interest), has had a deep impact on the structure of the society and the awareness of its members and has directly played a dangerous role in perpetuating the crisis of emotional relations. The revolution of the Internet and the spread of dating through the site of social networking where the formation of relations between the sexes is no longer intended to marry as it was during the past decades as long as alternatives exist and available to find the ideal companion.

It has been added to the sexual revolution and individual freedoms that have succeeded in transforming passion and sex into cheap goods that have a market and customers that are easy to obtain and are based on complete industries that have a rapid profit cycle that is embodied in the online sexual content industry and others. The stage of gender relations has become temporary transient fun that can be terminated In any moment and its abolition from the real world or from the virtual world as it began at the first glance, and these behaviors reinforce the capitalist marketing machines where the basic slogan let it enjoy its consumption, which we see in the stereotype propagated by the film industry and reality programs where the success of Personally associated with multiple sexual and emotional relationships as portrayed Hollywood films in the character Don Juan Zir women.

The goal of transient emotional relationships among males is to promote independence and eliminate all the burdens and restrictions associated with the costs of marriage. This trend is compounded by the difficulty of living conditions, the system of traditions and customs of marriage, the absence of job stability and the spread of temporary work. The tendency to marry and make a family, and when the trade-off between short-term or long-term relationships is chosen, is likely to satisfy sexual desire by diversifying partners. Therefore, the relationship with the opposite sex is reduced to physical relations without regard to feelings And the abstract senses and values ​​such as solidarity, sacrifice and mutual care and this is what satisfies the consumer view of things.

As for females, most of them have become more inclined to narcissism and to outperform peers in appearance and form. This tendency is encouraged by the advertising of beauty and make-up companies. The successful female is the most beloved and the most attractive and the most attractive of the opposite sex. It does not matter the diversification of sexual and emotional adventures. Personal interest, imposed by the rapid pace of modern lifestyle that requires the show of personal excellence instead of the idea of ​​engagement and marriage and childbearing and achieve personal and practical successes by learning skills and competencies to integrate into a labor market that imposes fierce competition To jobs that are shrinking rapidly, so that as the gender gap narrowes and their roles converge, their divergence deepens and widens the scope for conflict formation.

We find that the crisis of emotional ties and the lack of interest in marriage, love and affection are a direct result of the logic of profit and interest led by capitalism and its modernist intellectual system

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Even for those involved, working conditions under the shadow of the capitalist system have forced the killing of love and passion within the family. With long hours of work and pressure of daily life and work of the couple together to provide income capable of meeting basic needs and continuing mobility towards the workplace and exhaustion resulting in serious repercussions as depleted The time and energy required to express affection and practice love in its emotional and physical form. Marital life is reduced to that endless routine of boring household duties and the feelings of love and affection are confined to a couple in a dry physical relationship.

The danger is that this is not a voluntary individual behavior that can be evaluated through psychological preaching or counseling, but is the product of a coercive system that eliminates the humanity of the individual and society. Moreover, it is no secret that it is the main cause of marital disputes and conflicts that often result in discord And divorce and mutual accusations between the two parties in the failure of the relationship, forgetting that the real blame is the conditions of work under capitalism and then the revolution of technology, which tends to eradicate one of the most important components of human societies, feelings of passion and love.

Thus, the crisis of emotional bonds and the lack of interest in marriage, love and affection are a direct result of the logic of profit and interest that led to capitalism and its modernist intellectual system. According to Zabgmont Bount, in his book Love, Liquid is due to the calculations of the consumer society and its focus on temporary and fun. All the old for something displeased should be disposed of, including emotions, bodies and connections, which leads to create an atmosphere characterized by a lack of confidence and the prevalence of unhappiness and individual depression, and when the individual collapses, it is natural that the society is subject to disintegration and disintegration and Maybe his death is in the end.