A priest was found dead on Saturday in his presbytery in Gien. A preliminary inquiry into "suspicion of sexual assault on a minor under the age of 15" was opened on 21 September. "This is a moment of tragic ordeal and suffering," said Bishop Jacques Blaquart of Orléans on Monday.

A 38-year-old priest was found hanged in his presbytery in Gien (Loiret), when he was under investigation for suspicion of sexual assault, said Monday the diocese of Orleans and the Montargis parquet floor.

The body of the young priest was discovered on Saturday. "This is a moment of tragic ordeal and suffering," Bishop Jacques Blaquart, Bishop of Orléans, told the press on Monday.

According to Bishop Blaquart, some parishioners had alerted the diocese's "listening to wounds" cell on 7 September. According to him, they would have witnessed "inappropriate behavior towards 13- to 14-year-olds" , including "physical proximity" , "improper behavior with a young girl whom he has embraced and accompanied several times by car " .

"The priest was heard on October 15 as a witness"

None of the gestures mentioned required to seize justice, said the bishop, who had asked the priest to "stand back and be accompanied, leaving Gien for some time . " What did the person do.

Contacted by an AFP correspondent (Agence France presse), the prosecutor of Montargis Loic Abrial confirmed that a preliminary investigation for "suspicion of sexual assault on a minor under 15 years" was opened on 21 September following "information of concern" .

"On October 8, he returned to Gien with my agreement, but did not resume his normal activities," Blaquart added.

"Several hearings took place [...], and the priest was heard on October 15 as a witness" , in the absence of a criminal offense materialized, said the magistrate.