About a hundred demonstrators were present, Wednesday, November 21, 2018 around 17 pm, for a filter dam.

While the traffic was normally on Esperance roundabout on the morning of Wednesday, November 21, 2018, Yellow Vests have again established a filter dam in the afternoon.

Around 5 pm, around 100 demonstrators were present around the roundabout. Several of them were passing in front of the vehicles, before letting them pass. "When I see a motorist honking in solidarity, I give him a crescent. We are not here to break, explains Nicolas, more determined than ever to continue the movement. We'll stick until the end, until Macron removes taxes. "

A hundred demonstrators at the roundabout of Hope, Wednesday, November 21, 2018, around 17 pm. | WEST FRANCE

While a gathering is organized nationwide in Paris, Saturday, November 24, 2018, Yellow Vests questioned plan to stay in Lisieux that day. "We will continue to block here , warns Pascal. We will do something big. "

Throughout France, the Yellow Vest movement continues on Wednesday, November 21, 2018, for the fifth day of mobilization. Several major routes are already blocked in the West. Ouest-France makes you live the event live with its reporters in the field.