“This is terrible ... Great people are leaving. I can say no more, except that I did not know him very well, but thanks to his amazing friends I was introduced to him. You know, this is an era, ”he said.

According to him, Hutsiev was a very conscientious, honest and insanely talented person.

For his part, director Yury Grymov, in an interview with the TV channel Zvezda, called Khutsiyev a whole epoch in the cinema.

“And the era of copyright cinema is something that has been forgotten today. Cinema where the author is of great importance. A person who had his own position, someone could agree with him, someone could not agree. He was very bright. What he did was the peak of the development of Soviet cinema, ”he said.

As Grymov added, Khutsiyev’s death is a great loss.

Earlier it was reported that the farewell ceremony with Hutsiev will take place on March 21.