Trident in hand, ready and go: A very special appearance has actor Jason Momoa at the premiere of the movie "Aquaman" down. The 39-year-old, his colleagues and friends surprised the photographers with a haka dance.

With a trident in her hand, Momoa marched into the dancing crowd to break the staff into two. Together with the others he then went to his knees and drummed on his chest and legs. They screamed and gestured together.

The haka is a ritual dance of the Maori - the two children of Momoa, the eleven-year-old Lola and the nine-year-old Nakao Wolf, perfectly mastered, as photos and pictures of the performance show.

Family hobby Haka

Trident in hand, ready and go: A very special appearance has actor Jason Momoa at the premiere of the movie "Aquaman" down.

The 39-year-old, his colleagues and friends surprised the photographers with a haka dance.

With a trident in her hand, Momoa marched between the dancing crowd to break the staff into two.

Together with the others he then went to his knees and drummed on his chest and legs.

They screamed and gestured together.

The haka is a ritual dance of the Maori - the two children of Momoa, the eleven-year-old Lola and the nine-year-old Nakao Wolf, perfectly mastered, as photos and pictures of the performance show.

They did not learn this version of the Haka until shortly before the premiere, Momoa said. "But they have danced many hakas, I knew how to do it when I was little, so they know what to do."

His children are not only good dancers, but apparently also count among his most important critics. He can not wait to see the movie, Momoa said. Before that, however, he apparently also had respect: "I'm a bit nervous."

Jason Momoa has two children with his wife, actress Lisa Bonet. In this photo he poses with them and his mother (left).

Momoa and Bonet were married in 2017. Their children were born in 2007 and 2008.

They had this version of the Haka learned just before the premiere, said Momoa the online portal "Entertainment Tonight". "But they have danced many hakas, I knew how to do it when I was little, so they know what to do."

His children are not only good dancers, but apparently also count among his most important critics. He can not wait to see the movie, Momoa said. Before that, however, he apparently also had respect: "I'm a bit nervous."