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As I walk around the pavilions of the International Book Fair in Algeria, which is held every year, I have noticed that the visitors of the exhibition have different styles and varieties. Some of them come to buy books and learn about everything new in the world of the book, to make their way with conscious readings or research projects. In the collection and collection of books, is pleased with a new and revised edition of a religious book, or by issuing a new copy of a book that he can acquire from any library in his city without having to bother to come to the exhibition halls. The third category is a curious category brought by the media luster of the exhibition as well as confusion and obstruction to the latest. The event, though in its own mind, does not know why B came The basis.

On the other side of the equation of supply and demand stand the exhibitors of the books, whose classes were different from those mentioned above, and it is noted that some of them came to sell books with commercial stamps that lack renewal if they are modern books, or lack of scientific investigation if they are heritage books, Including a lack of translation distorting its meanings and corrupting the originality of its ideas, and between a class came to offer studies characterized by novelty and depth and at the same time earn a profit from the juice pens that placed confidence in the publishing house and trust him on her ideas.

Reading if it was really a general behavior in the state of Islam as it comes to mind because I lost a lot of books and found for this instances in areas not preceded by the invasion

Between this and that I meditated books, do we really need all these books? What do we lack of knowledge and science until we return to the past of the ages of prosperity and progress and play our role in civilized witnesses? I mention this as I think of the books of intellectual entrepreneurs who adopted the Islamic motor choice such as the books of Malik bin Nabi, Afghani, Kawakibi, Sayyid Qutb, al-Bouti and Muhammad al-Ghazali, or who adopted the Salafist Islamic option, such as al-Albani, Ibn al-Uthaymeen and Ibn Baz, or even that adopted the modernist, And Salama Moussa and Taha Hussein to Muhammad Arkoun and Nasr Abu Zeid and Teeb Tizini and others, why did not these books on us, nothing, despite the many and the many studies that analyzed their ideas accurately and showed the aspects of right and where the imbalance and injustice that may be.

It is a danger in my mind that the civilization of Islam in the ages of its upbringing was not based on such a large number of books, but rather on the book of the medium size, namely, the Holy Quran, which cursed the nations of the former not using the written heritage in the verse: " Like those who carried the Torah and did not hold it Like the ass carrying the sacraments , "while the followers of the Koran from the companions and followers proceeded from the little blogger with the texts of the Koran and the modern to facilitate the features of an Islamic civilization was the owners before that illiterate people outside the civilizational cycle. The European Renaissance did not have such a great number of books, but it was based mainly on a series of researches that resulted in a number of ways of civilization that changed not only European civilization but changed the whole world.

"The high level of readership of the printed word is the cultural basis for categorizing the countries of the world into backward, developing or developed countries." But does reading that lead to the advancement of nations do such a populist act? Toenbee? Or is reading that contributes to the renaissance of the nation a specialized act? Especially since we do not see the reading of the social reality in Western civilization, especially with the emergence of social access networks, which have negatively affected the world and the impact of the paper.

This question lingers in my mind until I find the text of the Professor of Cultural Criticism Abdullah Al-Ghazzami when he wanted to explain why the scarcity of manuscripts in the history of Islam and that this scarcity can not be explained by the burning of manuscripts in the Mongol invasion or other, because reading if it was a general behavior in the state Islam, as it comes to mind, has lost many books and found examples of this in areas not yet conquered by the invasion. He concludes: "The fate of progress in a nation is not the existence of millions of people who read and write, We have been creatively and scientifically leading the nation Progress".

The reader in the Arab world is not the decision maker, so you find him either a professor or employee or student science or social activist, at a time when non-readers entered the field of politics, economy and decision-making

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I often felt that he was reading books at a rate of more than 100 pages a day. If you look at his effect in reality, you find him hardly mentioned. Sometimes you find that contrary to what he reads in books, He is astonished at what he reads without the fact that he is amazed at his reality, to change what he can not, or at least to get the honor of trying. The real problem is not in the amount of reading or in the amount of readers. And who plays the role of the reader.

The reader in the Arab world is not the decision maker, so you find him either a professor or employee or student science or social activist, at the time when the non-readers entered the field of politics and economy and decision-making, and this is a huge rift to see in our Arab world today between intellectual leadership and leadership Political, and even if the intellectual reached the wheels of decision-making or approached it, the first typist is located in the mouth of "betrayal of ideas" and become his demands burden burdens of his shoulders can not but to deny his culture to maintain his status and his qualities.

At best, the intellectual comes out of the cloak of politics from the narrow door to see his ideas and the ideas of others who study on their books, which are locked in shelves and exhibitions. This is why people are waiting for a better future among three types of leaders: a cultured, Culture is often driven by external wills, which are led by the best leaders and benefit from their intellectuals, and at the same time dominate the underdeveloped world to put in line with its policies and contribute to the realization of the projects of intellectuals on the ground.