Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon was concerned for his life and posted a message in his video blog, which begins with a pathetic words: “This is a very important message for those who now see and hear me.” After reviewing the video, I found nothing important in this cry of the soul. But let's get everything in order. Gordon gave an interview in which, to begin with, he stated that only idiots, short-sighted people or FSB agents can raise questions of language at crucial moments for the country. That is, he seems to be for the destruction of the Russian, but not at this, difficult moment for the country.

But then Gordon said something from which the herds of goosebumps ran across the skin of the Ukrainian nationalists. He loves nothing less than Stepan Bandera and declares it publicly. I don’t know if the deceased needs Gordon’s love, but people who respect themselves like such characters as Bandera are despised. Apparently, realizing that he had said too much, Gordon fell into a stupor. To characterize the ideology of Bandera, he selected the formulation for exactly 12 seconds. Just in case, let me remind you that the 100 meter record is equal to 09.58 seconds. So, it turns out, the ideology of Bandera was the forerunner of many ethnic problems in Ukraine.

That is, the Jewish pogroms and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of civilians journalist Gordon attributed not to the tragedy, not to the horrors, but to interethnic problems. He is even ready to forgive the monuments of Bandera (literally!), If Ukraine becomes economically strong. See, what is filled with Gordon? He is filled with the desire to sell the memory of the innocent victims, if only his country would continue to be pumped up with loans and handouts. Because without them, Ukraine will simply die out. And who was Bandera and others like him, we will understand later, the journalist said. Sorry, but similar to the logic of an unprincipled bargaining with human organs.

And now, after this passage from the interview, Gordon attacks Irina Fahrion. Calling Pani half-crazy, he quotes her post on Facebook, where she calls Gordon a carrion and a vile reptile, and ends with a speech wishes to quickly leave this world. That is nothing new. Quite a normal dialogue for modern Ukraine. But what is interesting. First, Gordon declares that Fahrion is crazy, and then assumes that she is an agent of the FSB, and invites her to undergo an examination. My purely personal opinion, but I would check both Dmitry and Irina together. One is ready to give his life for the banderization of Ukraine, the second is the agents of the FSB everywhere.

But, it turns out, not only Fahrion wants the bad Gordon. The Deputy Chairman of the Kirovograd Regional Council, Igor Stepura, turned out to be somewhat laconic than Fahrion. Placing in his FB photo of Gordon, Stepura wrote: “The need for the scab has died. Slade for elder. ” Here it struck Gordon alive, and he did not cope with nerves. Dmitri advised Stepure not to meet his eyes, promised to snatch the Adam's apple and called him ** oh.

This is some kind of dostoevschina interspersed with Gogolism, gentlemen. Further, Gordon reports that he will write a statement to the authorities on Fahrion and Stepur, and the president is required to adequately assess the threats to his address.

Mr. Gordon, do you know such a thing as collegial solidarity? No not like this? Do you know such a thing as humanity? Where did your anger splashed when Oles Buzin was shot dead, and for what reasons did you not initiate a journalistic investigation into this crime? Why do you not demand the cessation of the persecution of Kirill Vyshinsky, who is languishing in the dungeons, and do not protect Vladimir Skachko from harassment?

Why do you ignore the fact that in the first two months of this year alone, thirteen cases of attacks on journalists were recorded in Ukraine? They are beaten, robbed, they are sent threats. Because you have lost the sense of reality a long time ago, you consider yourself a celestial being, and humanity is alien to you. Because it is thanks to people like you that the heroization of Bandera, Shukhevych and other Nazis takes place, whose names for civilized people are synonymous with the word "executioner". And also because you forgot about the existence of principles, and prostitution is considered the norm.

At the end of his address, Gordon swam openly and began to carry such that at least stand still. It turns out that Dmitry has many friends in Russia who are not stupefied by Russian propaganda. And these friends are well aware of the fact that in the ranks of Ukrainian nationalists, and in the leadership of the country is full of agents of the FSB. And these friends are surprised that such threats are possible with the connivance of the authorities. Dmitry ... are you hinting at this? Are you a friend too? You should cover ours, and you have already gathered in Russia? Or Fahrion with Stepuroy frightened you so that in your head there were processes similar to the processes occurring when there was a malfunction in the power grid? So hire security - it will become morally easier. Better yet, review your appeal a few more times and try to overwrite it. There are many emotions in it, but few thoughts and logic. And you will be extra advertising, and we are not bored.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.