Definition of the individual dimension: Individuals live in larger groups, do not live individually, and create within these groups relationships with their other members. Each group has a certain influence on its members. The influence of the individual within its group indicates the high degree of individuality. The individual's interests and interests, and the very low degree of individuality called collective, indicate the strength of the group's influence on the individual's roles, and overwhelm the interest of the group and its interests.

Individual impact on the family

In collective families, relatives live in large groups together or geographically close to each other. Families are often extended, consisting of fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, sometimes uncles and aunts, living together for the rest of their lives. The reason that families are extended and characterized by a long-term relationship is loyalty Absolute by its members.

Children think about themselves as part of the group, and the "we" think about the thought of "I", where children think about the family mentality, laws and customs, and their thinking must be in harmony with parents. There are no personal opinions. , And classifies the owner that he has a bad personality, and look at the punishment of the lack of respect for unwritten family laws, and the emergence of a new opinion contrary to what the family may require a family meeting to address him, and this is important to develop a sense of loyalty to children, their relationship with parents relationship lasts the whole age, Children live in a house Parents or in an area close to them even after their marriages, and continues loyalty in rituals and holidays and occasions.

There are high individual families, where young children live with their father and mother only, and the older children live an independent life, even before their marriage and the establishment of their own family, as the son leaves the parents' home immediately after his material independence

For example, marriage is a family affair in which the families of the couple meet, and not only the couple, which necessitates equal social or economic equality. The marriage may be rejected because of the absence of the husband or wife. This equivalence, or the nervousness and loyalty of the larger family - such as the tribe - may lead to the decision of marriage of its members to be internal only, meaning that the bride and groom are from the same family.

This long-term relationship gives the parties a sense of psychological and physical security. Parents, for example, help their son to pay for school, and the son grows up and finds a job, helps his parents financially, and helps individual employees who are studying or seeking work.

The son who breaks the rules and customs of the group is stigmatized and sometimes traumatized if the subject addresses certain moral values, shame and shame external sensations that result from the knowledge of relatives about what happened, and the impact of their knowledge on this sense. This influence has its power from the low degree of privacy that these families have. There is no special knowledge. It has to be public, so people's issues are discussed collectively, and there is a lot of talk about others.

On the other end of the scale there are the high individual families where the young children live with their father and mother only. The older children live independently, even before their marriage and the establishment of their own family. The son leaves the parents' home immediately after his physical independence and he can rely on himself. Small, and the loyalty of its members are few, rarely visit relatives, some, even the relationship of children with parents may not continue long after the children leave the homes of their parents, less or ends psychologically and materially.

In this type of family children learn to have their personal opinions, so the family figure does not overwhelm the personality of the children. On the contrary, the thought of "I" hangs over the thought of "us" and the children think of themselves as an independent part. Customs and rituals practiced by a member of the family. A son whose views resemble the views of others is classified as a weak and imitated person. His opinions and methods must be different.

The parents do not wait for the help of their son in the future, and parents do not interfere in the decisions that concern children, such as marriage and work never, it is For example, marriage may be done if the couple is rewarded scientifically or intellectually away from the social or economic status of the family of one of them.

The son who violates the laws of the family is guilty, not shame, and the difference between guilt and shame is that guilt is an internal feeling, and not external parties role in its composition, but shame is an external feeling arises from the view of society, because privacy is important and preserved in these families, People in the affairs of others, and do not circulate their news, because they do not think it is their business.

Individual impact on society

The degree of individuality affects the relationships of individuals in society. In societies with a high degree of collectivity, individuals deal with themselves and are also treated as part of their larger group, often the family, clearly noting that these communities are often tribal communities. As a part of his group, this perception of the individual has many social consequences. The importance of the individual to the importance of his group, the descent is important and the basic criterion for the differentiation of people. Some individuals become more important and more influential because of their tribal affiliation. This affects many transactions such as marriage, The family name is important in getting married, getting a job, and it is common and commonplace for a family name to dominate a professional field.

The independence of the individual has to solve his own problems, and this makes the individual loyalty to himself only, and independence to think, the individual is free to choose and form his ideas, and does not form any pressure on him to adopt certain ideas

Dispute resolution is also collective, and exceeds the individual who disputes, it is common for example to consider tribal revenge demanded by all members of the tribe, and the differences are often resolved away from the courts and official bodies, strong pressure groups and established habits can solve most of the conflicts. Because the group feels that the individual is part of it, the group protects its members, helps them to solve their problems, the individual feels safe to belong to a group, and the sense of being part of his group increases loyalty to this group to absolute loyalty. But it is also intellectual. Individuals lose their freedom of thought. They must think as their tribes do. Old habits are very important. A different personality is not accepted. It may sometimes be more than rejection. A new idea, all this makes individuals speaking group format, Victher in their talk vocabulary combination such as "we" and "us", and "I", but affected even their language, speaks of individuals in some communities plural when talking about themselves individually.

Moreover, privacy does not exist in such societies. The concept of an individual is not part of the group. All groups try to avoid and respond to rumors about their members.

On the other side there are high individual societies, where the individual deals with himself and is treated with complete independence from his group. He is an individual who is not presented or delayed except by his ideas and individual characteristics, such as his scientific degrees and practical experience. For example, the choice of individuals for social transactions in such societies is for their individual qualifications. Marriage, for example, is based on the consent of the parties and their suitability to each other, and a person is nominated for a job based on his or her individual experiences only. There are no social forces represented by customs that would hinder him or And in the event of disagreements, they are legally resolved and dealt with only individuals who are stakeholders.

The independence of the individual has led to the solution of his own problems, and this makes the individual's loyalty to himself only, and independence to think, the individual is free to choose and form his ideas, and no group to put pressure on him to adopt certain ideas, which makes the differences in ideas and lifestyle among individuals is very large, The habits of the deceased lose their value, and allow the entry of any new ideas to the community, and the independence of the individual also preserves his privacy, as he means only, and not violated by one, and the level of rumors is low, and their guilt brings guilt, not shame.