During the broadcast, the Tagesschausprecher Jan Hofer worked unfocused, promises to briefly he almost sank away. Finally, he does not moderate the weather as usual at the end of the program. Instead, was watching as the 69-year-old stands motionless at the table and does not look into the camera.

Shortly thereafter, the scene was deleted from the library, and is thus currently not online available.

As the ARD announces, which produces the "Tagesschau", the moderator has health problems. "At the end of the news, it was Jan Hofer bad, so that he could not read the final moderation as planned," said ARD editor-in-chief. Kai Gniffke. Hofe had recently had an infection that he may not have recovered yet. He is currently being examined by a doctor.

Hofer moderates since 1994 for the public television, initially for the regional program of the Saarland broadcasting. Since 1986 he is known as a speaker of Tagesschau and Tagesthemen.