In addition to operations "blocking" roundabouts, yellow vests have improvised a parade in the streets of Falaise (Calvados) to show, this Saturday, November 17.

"Young people in the galley, old people in misery, we do not want this policy! The Yellow Vests mobilized in Falaise quickly found their slogans, this Saturday, November 17, 2018.

The 200 or so participants had made an appointment at Place des Bercagnes, around 10 am, to parade through the streets of Falaise. Christine and Philippe made the trip from Rapilly to protest against rising fuel prices, and more broadly "taxes" . "It's a complete shambles! They put their pockets and we pay. "

The idea of ​​this parade? "Show up" , summarizes one of the administrators of the Facebook page, "Yellow Vests of the country of Falaise", which federated the movement on the territory.

Some snail operations to predict

Calling Macron to resign, protesters walked through the city center, before stopping in front of City Hall.

For the rest of the day, participants should maintain blocks on the roundabouts and organize some "snail operations" .