The 15th edition of Taste of the Wide is already a success. This Saturday, November 10, 2018, the Festival of the shell began under the sun and in the presence of thousands of visitors, with 20 tons of scallops landed. Will there be enough for everyone until Sunday night?

For this 15th edition of Taste of the Broad under the sun, the public is well and truly at the rendezvous. From the opening, this Saturday, November 10, 2018, thousands of visitors were already pacing the quays of Port-en-Bessin. Some were already leaving, carrying with them whole sacks of scallops caught in the night.

"We opened the doors of the auction half an hour before the scheduled time, announces Jocelyne Lasnon, City Hall Port-en-Bessin. Simply because there was already a crowd outside the door. "

Sold 4 € per kilo

On the stalls, there is not only the shell. Gourmets can find noble species such as sea bass, sole or turbot, oysters from Isigny, cockles, mussels or good fish, such as red mullet, pout or mackerel.

But the star is the shell. The one we tear out. Especially since it is sold € 4.50 per kilo or € 4 per ten kilos. You can also taste it prepared on the stands or learn to accommodate dishes, during culinary workshops led by chefs from the region.