China's Huawei Electronics Co. has signed a penalty for two of its employees after it was found that they sent Christmas greetings through the company's official account on the social networking site Twitter via iPhone.

The incident is embarrassing for the Chinese company, which last year came second after Apple in the field of smart phone manufacturing, and is now competing for the first place in this highly competitive market, the Bloomberg news agency reported.

The incident also comes as tensions mount over the prospect of Huawei's financial director, Ming Wanchu, being deported to the United States to stand trial for bank fraud.

While Huawei blamed the agency for contracting its social networking accounts abroad, the company has severely punished the two employees, including a monthly salary deduction of 5,000 yuan ($ 730), as well as a reduction in their rating One-degree job, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg.

The note said that staff should now "tighten control over the process of managing suppliers and partners," adding that the incident revealed "errors in our management operations."

Huawei declined to comment on the incident.