Most airlines have cheap flights if they travel with a hand-held bag just to take them on board. This can save a lot of money but you need to know how to pack your bag well so you can put everything inside.

Here are some useful information and tricks on how to take a handbag:

Airline Rules:
First, be sure to know the rules of each airline's handbag. This can vary from company to company and can also be related to the size of the plane, the degree and the route of travel.

Observe the basics:
If you plan to travel away with only a handbag, you should make some sacrifices! Instead of packing all the secondary things and most of your closet with you, focus on the necessities. Keep in mind that most things can be bought from where you are going, so it would be a good idea to check the quality of shops that will be close to your destination.

Choose carefully and wisely:
When packing the bag, choose clothing that fits easily with each other. For example, take the upper pieces that can be worn with all the lower pieces you will take with you, and choose clothes that can be worn in the evening.

If you expect large fluctuations in temperature, choose the pieces that can be worn on top of each other to create layers that keep you warm. It may be a good idea to wash clothes several times during safaris if you know there is a way to clean clothes.

Thick clothing, coats and shoes can be worn with the neck in the plane to save space in the bag!

Pouch systems carefully:
Place heavy vocabulary such as shoes or books at the bottom of the bag and light clothing at the top. Dresses, shirts and jeans pants can be wrapped together to provide additional space. Any gaps can be filled with socks or underwear and swimwear, and shoes can also be stuffed with these pieces.

Speaking of shoes, just take a couple of shoes.

Another way to save space is by using special bags or bags where the air is emptied, allowing more pieces to be taken. Place objects that you may need to quickly access in the front or side pockets of the bag.

Observe liquids:
Keep in mind that only liquids containing creams or pastes are placed on the aircraft, placed in 100 mm containers in the bag and should all be in a single transparent bag that is easy to open and close.

You can also buy empty bottles of 100 millimeters that can be filled with shampoo or bath lotion for the trip.

Another idea is to place smaller amounts of creams or liquids in the contact lens pack.