News from the island

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  • Occupation releases "intruder gut battle bomber"
  • Saudi Arabia to develop military points in Yemen and the Yemeni sit-in committee condemns
  • Trump chooses retired general John Abizaid as Saudi ambassador
  • Members of Congress: Vote to punish Saudi Arabia soon

The situation of the return has been a constant and constant state of confrontation. The enemy's inability on the ground and at all levels to deal with it, this situation highlighted the leadership of the enemy at the political and military level in front of the Zionist society in a state of weakness and fragmentation and inability to make decisive decisions in dealing with the sector Ministers of the cabins.

The leadership of the occupation wanted to carry out a silent security operation inside the Gaza Strip. The work may be related to kidnapping or intelligence missions to disrupt the internal security of the sector, but the vigilance of the resistance has thwarted the enemy's task and I believe that the consequences of this work are continuing because this work includes a lot of information about the factors causing But it is hard to move from a tactical threat to a strategic problem in the battlefield due to intelligence failures, failure to make decisions, and the most important failure in the process is the failure of the army, which is field implementation in the confrontation action With direct resistance is coming, and that the soldier is unable to implement what trained him and prepared for him, and Homma raises doubts the possibility of waging an open confrontation with the resistance and that would rule out the specter of war on Gaza.

The resistance proved at all stages its ability to surprise the enemy and its vigilance and readiness and that it is in a state of self-defense and is doing its duty to respond to the aggression on our people. It has the courage and courage to respond to the aggression of the occupation and to confirm the equations it has established in the field, and its ability to destroy the enemy's desire to continue aggression against our people To achieve surprise and maintain the lead.

Initiative and field tactics

The resistance has a clear and accurate perception of the management of the battle through the identification of the target and the accompanying effort of the survey and accuracy of the injury accompanied by a comprehensive picture of the target

After the Zionist aggression in Khan Younis, the Palestinian resistance confirmed through its joint operations room that the occupation bears the responsibility and the consequences of this act of aggression. It was clear that the consequences of this action will have repercussions in the field and the resistance will not pass without a response. The resistance responded by targeting a Zionist bus carrying a number of soldiers The occupation in the area of ​​Aharash Mflassim east of Jabalia with a guided missile of the type of cornet, which led to the direct injury and fire, killing and wounding of the inside was, and this operation marked the start of the rocket response and coordinated the firing of missiles in Jamie Throughout the Gaza Strip from north to south, the response of the resistance had many indications.

The development of the military performance of the Palestinian resistance, which is rapidly escalating, confused the calculations of the Zionist enemy, and made the leaders of the Israeli occupation army prepared for the thousand before any military operation to provide them. The combat efficiency and combat readiness that emerged in targeting the bus sends a message to the enemy that we are capable and can do more than what happened. The process of targeting the bus showed that this was part of the strategy of the resistance to deter the enemy to prevent it from the military action, fearing the preparations and surprises of the resistance and its capabilities unknown to the enemy.

Evidence of what has happened is that the resistance has a clear and accurate perception of the management of the battle through the identification of the target and the accompanying effort of the survey and accuracy in the injury accompanied by a comprehensive picture of the target and around it and knowledge of the gaps in the enemy and the nature of its work and objectives. Documenting and portraying the process in such a clarity that shows the movements of the enemy and its forces is an innovation and development in the military media of the resistance and that it is one of the pillars of the battle, through which the internal front of the entity is hit at the core, and through it shows the tournaments that are dominated by the resistance in the field, which earned the military media prestige and credibility of the masses Palestinian conflict.

The rockets are the Palestinian deterrent

This military tour confirmed that the main deterrent weapon possessed by the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity is the rocket weapon. The resistance realized that Israel is incapable of dealing with the rocket force and equipped itself with missiles and missiles to limit the capabilities of the Israeli army. Is still very wide, the field clarified that Israel is unable to deal with the missile force, and failed the Iron Dome system to address the resistance missiles where the system can not meet the defensive iron dome, which confirms the inability to address the full Palestinian rockets and missiles.

This round revealed that the threat on the Israeli home front and the Gaza envelope is much more dangerous than the occupation expected. The main reason is not the increase in the amount of rockets and mortars that can fall on Israel, but the deadly effectiveness of these fires. As a result, Gaza, which will join the internal civilian and military front of Israel if the prolongation may increase hundreds of times, the use of missile power of resistance has allowed the resistance many advantages during the fighting within a short period of time is the decision to launch according to planning tasks and time.

There is no importance to the weather or night and day in launches. Store and operate different types of rockets from small, camouflaged locations, or from vehicles. Precision depends on the quality of the system, ie non-guided missiles or guided missiles. Short time between warning and injury has the effect of my operations, little time to seek shelter, has a psychological impact. The Joint Resistance Operations Room has increased the operational capability and coordinated the launching of missiles throughout the Gaza Strip from north to south. Resistance understands the operational problem of operating human cells. This is why it has built a remote missile launch network connected to a network of tunnels and communications. Rockets and mortar shells along the entire Gaza Strip border in a hidden manner, with a special programming mechanism for the launch and all launchers connected to operational centers and centers in the Gaza Strip.

It has been proven that the occupation lacks a clear vision in dealing with Gaza and its resistance, and his failure in this confrontation was complex, whether on the intelligence or operational side


The feasibility of joint military action

The joint military action was an advanced location in the tactics of the military action of the Palestinian factions. Its importance lies in achieving the broadest popular grassroots base in support of the armed resistance and the integration of all the forces in it. This means that a majority of the public adopts this option as a joint project. New plans to confront the Israeli army, has caused a qualitative shift in the nature of the resistance work, unlike in the past, became the Joint Military Chamber of the resistance is responsible for the organization of management and directing the military action of the resistance, and is of great importance in achieving victory and success The military operations of the resistance.

After this confrontation proved that the occupation lacks a clear vision in dealing with Gaza and resistance, and his failure in this confrontation complex, whether intelligence or operational, which established the rule that Gaza is not anywhere in this world and are not allowed tampering with security, This has led to the accumulation of the successes of the resistance, the acquisition of experience and capabilities, and the changing of the rules of confrontation with the enemy, in which it emerged the prior knowledge of the operational environment and the nature of the enemy. This is the performance of the army of the enemy, and the latest disturbance required by its leaders. What the resistance has done is a new milestone that establishes a progressive phase of professionalism. And the upgrading of military action tells us hope and a promising future towards a radical change in the conflict with the Zionist enemy.