News from the island

  • Catalonia is holding its breath pending the decision to secede
  • Japan's early legislative campaign begins
  • "Any" calls on Israel to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear "
  • Hamas and Fatah discuss reconciliation and "reconciliation" in Cairo
  • Barzani stuck to the results of the referendum and Europe offered mediation

Before you go deeper into the folds of this blog and navigate through its words, I tell you that I feel like I am writing, Who am I, good? Psychological guide? Or a biological scientist? Or a writer or a normal person left her words to freedom of departure was this code. One day when I was browsing Facebook, I noticed a publication talking about the so-called depression of the fall. I began to read until the words attracted me to the end of the publication, which in turn gave me all the emotional feelings of autumn that may be the features of this depression.

I look at the internet pages looking for something scientific and true, and whether this is a real phenomenon or is it the expectations of astrologers when they say that the tower is suffering from depression in a certain month! It is actually called the depression of autumn or seasonal depression, which is in sync with the changes that occur between the seasons, especially the autumn when nature begins to abandon its components fall leaves of trees and colors fade, and there is no room left but rain drops to revive again .

And our relationship with trees and stone, we have a great relationship and even a solid with this vast universe, a chemical relationship with us all physical components, and a spiritual spiritual relationship with the messages and laws of the universe that we walk in the orbit as well as the bodies. As we are part of this cosmic system, and from this earth, what falls upon it falls on us, and what is affected by it affects us, so our leaves fall like leaves completely, and scatter our entrances a light wind after a hot summer, and return our calculations to collect itself and put it with the first drops of rain, The smell of dirt mixed with rain reminded us of memories we thought we buried well but simply floating on the surface, giving us a symptom of depression. This is confirmed by the words of Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah have mercy on him, "You and the autumn air, he does with your bodies as he does with leaves."

The accumulations of days that we have not had time to remove, the problems we have avoided resolving, the troubled relationships, all these things may suddenly come out and one impulse will turn everything

That Splash

And as any disease we try to avoid, but if we are in the company, we have to resist and fortify ourselves so that we do not come back again, fall depression must be concerned with the order from the physiological and psychological, physiologically to create all the material conditions like colors and lights of places, to make everything around us calls To be as optimistic as possible, and there are those who recommend some healthy foods that have to do with increasing the secretion of the hormone happiness. The treatment of psychological fall depression is not a cure as much as a recovery of things before they occur, and try not to recur if it occurred previously.

The accumulation of days that we did not find time to remove, and the problems that we are not resolved, and the relations that pass by the time and time is getting stronger and we do not have the energy to adjust the pace, the obstacles of the house and the street and work and the quarrels of debates and dialogues that may not lead to satisfactory outcome of any party, the decline in progress in achieving our goals either Personal or public goals and the sense of non-achievement, when life puts you in circumstances that I do not deserve, or a place I do not want, and yet continue to pass the counter of days, all of these things may suddenly come out and one stroke in a satisfactory state. Well and everything we did Is the only I Gtinaha and so we did not improve our cover Vthart us, so we sink in the autumn blues, and do not have enough time to restore old accounts so that our hearts upright on the winter port.

The physiological effects are strong, but they certainly do not move without the psychological compass that accepts or resists the symptoms of depression and distinguishes this lesion from them. And waiting for the winter do not stay from the impurities yourselves a lot, tried to get rid of them so you enjoy it and do not take away the days without you feeling so. The depression of the fall is a fact, but we are a bully and give it greater than its size by our bad behavior, or dwarfism, and we do not leave enough space for us to settle down, the choice is ours and the solution as well.