Released October 5 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Claverina and Sorita continue to explore their new playground.

These two Slovenes are happy in France. The two brown bears released on 5 October in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques are "in perfect health" , according to the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS).

Dropped on "alternative sites in the valleys of Ossau and Aspe" , because of the blockages organized by angry herders, the two females "moved a lot" to explore their new territory. According to reports from his GPS collar, Sorita traveled up to 150 kilometers in three weeks.

Soon the time of hibernation

The two bears are "always present in the mountainous area of ​​the valleys of Aspe and Ossau" and must now find a den for their winter rest from November to March.

"In the meantime, any disturbance can be detrimental to the life of the bears, but also to their behavior," says the ONCFS, which says that "the state services in Pyrénées-Atlantiques remain particularly vigilant and mobilized to prevent any intentional or accidental disturbance. "

The anger of sheep breeders

For opponents of bears, their presence is not compatible with breeding. The animal, which feeds on 70% of plants, can occasionally attack ewes or cause dozens of them to fall from an escarpment if they are frightened.

According to the pro-bear association "Pays de l'ours Adet", between 18,000 to 30,000 ewes die each year during summer pastures in the Pyrenean departments, illnesses, accidents, because of lightning, etc. In 2017, according to a report by the ONCFS and the Brown Bear Network, there were 162 attacks attributed to the bear, with 464 animals killed or wounded.

43 bears in the Pyrenees

The population of bears in the Pyrenees is 43 animals, after reintroductions in 1996 and 2006, but it "is not yet fully viable," had explained at the time of release Nicolas Alban, project leader for this operation to the ONCFS.

The choice for reintroduction was for two females because there are two bears in Béarn, with the hope of "strengthening this western part of the Pyrenees" if they breed, he added.