Sixth day of the mobilization, this Thursday, November 22, 2018. The Yellow Vests continue to filter the roundabout near the Normandy Bridge, Honfleur side.

Despite the freezing cold of Thursday, November 22, 2018, about twenty yellow vests filter the roundabout access to the Normandy Bridge, near Honfleur (Calvados). They should be joined by other yellow vests later in the day.

"We do not loose anything," says Paco Le Gaulois, a nickname for a protester. The protesters ensure a shift day and night. They filter cars and trucks, many in the middle of the week. For Saturday, November 24, Paco will stay at the roundabout. Maybe some will go to Paris, but that's according to everyone.

Throughout France, the Yellow Vests movement continues on Thursday, November 22, 2018, for the sixth day of mobilization. Several major routes are already blocked in the West. Ouest-France makes you live the event live with its reporters in the field.