The former SS supervisor Jakiw Palij, 95, will remain impunity, according to information from the SPIEGEL. The man, originally from modern-day Ukraine, became known worldwide when US President Donald Trump had him deported to West Germany at the end of August, accompanied by a White House media offensive.

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Palij is suspected of involvement in the Holocaust. He emigrated to the United States in 1949. The public prosecutor's office Würzburg had opened in Palijs absence a procedure against him and set 2016 again.

After Palij's entry into Germany, the Central Council of Jews in Germany and others had demanded that this decision be corrected. The prosecution now rejects this: "The examination of all information communicated or made known in connection with the person of the accused or his entry into Germany has given neither factual nor legal grounds to deviate from the procedure already set."

The German occupiers had recruited the then 19-year-old Palij in 1943. The farmer's son came to the "Trawniki", a group consisting mainly of Ukrainians and ethnic Germans, which helped the SS in the Holocaust. Palij claims he only patrolled the streets and bridges at night. This version could only be shaken in a nutshell.

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