The police prevented a concert of the right-wing scene near Darmstadt. The officials received an indication on Saturday that people were gathering in a forest hut near Nieder-Ramstadt. They were partly arrived with foreign license plate.

A review found that some owners belong to the right-wing scene. In addition, people had stayed in the vicinity of the hut, which had apparently also been assigned to the right scene, the police said. The man who rented the cabin said he wanted to celebrate his birthday - "but in fact he did not have his birthday until April," officials said when checking the personal details.

Due to the circumstances, the police had to assume that a concert of the right-wing scene was taking place in the hut. The officials informed the responsible local government, which then canceled the contract of use for the hut.

In a further review in the hut, the officials met according to the information "on further scene-known persons and a right-wing extremist songwriter". The 32 people present in the hut were sent off after the police action.

The officers made sure they had CDs, two banned knives, and a few right-wing stickers. "Whether there is indexed music on the CDs, the further investigation must show," said the police.