In Frankfurt, a 17-year-old was caught in a train station and killed by a train. The investigations of the Federal Police on the incident continue. It will be investigated why the young people from Hanau with two men on the tracks of the S-Bahn stop Ostendstraße, said a police spokesman. The relationship between the 17-year-old and the men remains unclear.

The two 44-year-olds without a permanent residence were injured in the accident on Tuesday. One of them heavy and one light, as the federal police announced. The three had stood on the tracks at the subterranean station around 4:00 pm and had been hit by a line 6 train to Friedberg.

The teenager died at the accident site. The engine driver and two travelers on the track suffered a shock and had to be treated. As a result, it came in the rush hour traffic for several hours to strong disabilities.