When released in theaters in 1978, the first Halloween was accused of sexism. Its director, John Carpenter, and his lead actress, Jamie Lee Curtis, have always defended themselves.

If Halloween (a new episode of the saga is released theaters this Wednesday) is now considered a cult horror film, he did not escape some criticism when it was released in 1978. Some go there a Sexist discourse, the death of two female characters being perceived as the consequence of their "mores".

"Those who are killed are rather shown as easy girls. Is it wanted? Absolutely, " said Nancy Loomis, one of the actresses concerned, who considers that victims pay the price of their frivolous behavior, developing an archaic morality. The other actress, PJ Soles, disagrees: "I talked to John (Carpenter, the director) and I never thought it was a sexist talk. It is a shortcut to think that the characters are murdered because they have had sex or are thinking of having sex. The killer is here, that's all. He does not kill them to punish them . "

Action women

For the director, "many have not grasped the true meaning. Yes, we show young women who are sexually active. But, in my opinion, they live just the life that we have at this age. They are killed simply because they are not suspicious of what is prowling and not for their way of being. It has nothing to do with any morality .

Jamie Lee Curtis, who plays Laurie Strode, the woman who survives psychopath Michael Myers, says she's "a smart, direct and courageous character in the face of adversity . " A year before Sigourney Weaver in Alien , she proves that genre cinema is not reserved for male headliners. What will confirm, a few years later, Sarah Connor (played by Linda Hamilton) in Terminator and its sequel, signed James Cameron.

In the 2018 Halloween version, Laurie Strode assumes her status as a woman of action, preparing herself psychologically and physically to face her eternal enemy. The actress says, "The screenplay was written before the #MeToo movement broke out, but Laurie's stance is that of someone who says," You're not going to write my story for me anymore, I'm taking things in hand ". She refuses to be a victim . And so easy prey. Halloween , feminist work? Why not.